Teaching Gratitude
by Jean Matthew Hall
If you live in the northern states or Canada you may already be feeling the onset of fall. I live in the south, so it will be another month or so before we see leaves changing colors and feel that drier, cooler, crisper air sneaking under our doors. But fall is my favorite time of the year. Soft sweaters, yummy fleece, and the heavenly aromas that come from my kitchen get me in the mood for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The whole month of November makes me grateful to be alive.
Living with an attitude of gratitude is a critical skill we need to teach our children starting when they are tiny.
How do we teach our children to be grateful?
We SHOW them by our own attitudes and actions.
Whether we tend to be a positive person or to see life negatively we can teach ourselves to EXPRESS gratitude to other people, and to God. We can develop the HABIT of showing gratitude regardless of how we feel.
It takes work. But establishing an attitude of gratitude changes the way we see the world, other people, ourselves and God.
So, let your children see you praying before you eat AND teach them how to do it, too.
Let your children hear you thanking God when good things happen. Then explain to them why you thank God for it.
Let your children hear you praying and thanking God daily. Teach them simple prayers to recite, but also teach them how to express their own feelings to God in their own words.
When adults or children see God as our benefactor, as the giver of all good things, we tend to want to thank Him.
That is the purpose of my picture book God’s Blessings of Fall. It expresses my gratitude to God for all the lovely things and the exciting changes of the season. I hope it will help your children to see that God is the author of the seasons and learn to thank Him for the changes.
I really hope you will make it part of your family’s Thanksgiving Day traditions around your dinner or breakfast table, or at bedtime.
Many thanks to the wonderful friends like Christian Children’s Authors who are sharing the good news of my book with their friends and followers. I am grateful for them.
And I am grateful for you, too. I hope you’ll leave a comment about things you are grateful for.
Blessings in bunches!
Jean Hall
You can learn more about Jean and her writing at:
My website is http://www.jeanmatthewhall.com
My blog about picture books and writing is at the same address.
On Facebook I’m Jean Matthew Hall Author.
On Twitter I’m Jean_Hall.
On Pinterest I’m JeanMatthew_Hall.
God’s Blessings of Fall is available at:
Little Lamb Books (.com)
Barnes & Noble
If your local bookstore does not have a copy, please ask them to order one for you from Ingram Book Distributors.
Love the cover! Yes, we teach gratitude by showing gratitude. 🙂