Faith Family Scrapbook by Karen Whiting
We snap photos and fill books with them. Sometimes we might even make very fancy scrapbooks. It’s also a great opportunity to capturing faith memories as we fill the pages.
Whether it’s a simply photo from a holiday with a note praising or thanking God or a photo elated to a child’s first memorized verse, make it special. Create pages that reflect your family’s faith walk. Journal along with photos to recall what Bible lessons you studied and where you worshiped or answered prayers.
In the years to come you can converse about those times spent together as a family and how God worked in your lives.
These scrapbooks don’t need to be great works of art. They need to be from the heart.Frame a photo with a contrasting color and add a note written by any or all family members. Write in a special verse or prayer.
In scrap booking, the photos are best preserved when you use acid free materials like card stock and supplies sold in craft stores. Use double sided tape to adhere the items in place.
Consider the season to show the time frame of the memory. It’s autumn now and bright colors or paper with leaves on it can be a perfect background. As Thanksgiving approaches add pages to express thanks for the joys of the past year and trust in God for the coming year.
When a sermon or Bible lesson grabs the attention of family members, write about it and add a photo of a child holding the Bible open to the passage. When a family members shares a story from the day or the past and that leads to sharing faith or a spiritual truth, add it to the scrapbook.
If you try some new recipe that the family loves take a photo and add a note about what you discussed at the meal. Add another note of what scripture verse you studied this week and what new thought each person had as you talked about it.
As school begins again for children add the photos and their hopes of what they want to learn. Add a little about what they also want to learn about God.
In my new family devotion book and the previous one I give scrapbook prompts to go with each week’s theme. That makes it easy to add some art and have ideas to write about.
Ideas of what to add tend to come with each new day and the joys and sorrows faced.
I love taking photographs and having them printed. I store them in photograph albums and boxes. There are lots of photos displayed in our home. Today, some people don’t print off photos and just keep them on their phone. I have photos on my phone, too, but I don’t want to lose any of those special times. So, I get the photos printed and enjoy looking at each one over and over.