God’s Blessings of Fall
By Jean Matthew Hall
I’m super excited to tell you about my first published picture book! God’s Blessings of Fall is the first book in my picture book series – Bountiful Blessings published by Little Lamb Books.
The book is a lyric celebration of God’s creativity expressed each fall, and a celebration of nature’s signs and symbols of the season. The musical language encourages young children in language development, and in expressing gratitude to God for His gifts of fall.
It was released last September. I’m hoping it becomes a cherished part of families’ Thanksgiving traditions.
Here’s a tidbit:
Critters who fly, climb or creep.
Food to gather.
Warm nests to keep.
All are getting ready for a good night’s sleep.
The idea for God’s Blessings of Fall came for my love of God’s created world and my watching my (then) four-year old grandson gathering fallen leaves and twigs. He was totally fascinated by the colors and textures, and the leaves raining down on him.
I worked long and hard to create beautiful language that both young children and their parents (or grandparents) will enjoy. My prayer is that this series of picture books points children to God who made them and all of creation. I hope that God’s Blessings of Fall becomes a part of many families’ Thanksgiving traditions. There’s nothing like creating family memories through family traditions to anchor children to their heritage, their past, and their families. But that’s another blog post!
Many thanks to everyone who has helped make this book a success.
In case you are interested, you can order it online from Little Lamb Books, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
Copies will also be available in local bookstores. If you don’t see it on their racks, please ask them to order it for you.
You can learn more about me and my writing at my website and blog at http://www.jeanmatthewhall.com
On Facebook I’m Jean Matthew Hall Author.
On Twitter I’m Jean_Hall.
On Pinterest I’m JeanMatthew_Hall.
Congrats! It looks wonderful!
Thank you, Mindy! Blessings,