Waiting Room Reading
Doctor visits, car repair shop customer area, theme park lines, waiting for a table in restaurants…all these places are opportunities to read.
While recently waiting for our car to travel through the customized car wash, my husband and I were invited to visit the customer service area and enjoy beverages and snacks (at a cost, of course). We had decided to purchase the deluxe wash which meant the attendants would take care of our vehicle while we watched thru a large window.
Entering the designated area, I noticed a t.v. with a sports channel playing. Another t.v. aired the national news. Looking around the room filled with couches, comfy recliners and a water station, I saw several children sitting on the edge of their seats. Their faces held no smiles and their shoulders drooped. What a boring time for these children!
The parents paid for their choice of car wash and headed to where the children sat. The mother reached into a cloth bag and pulled out several books. No computer devices and no phones. Books! Books! She spread out the books on the table in front of them and each child chose a book.
Shoulders no longer drooped as each child sat straight up and began smiling. Choosing an area in each corner of the room, the parents snuggled these dear ones and began to read aloud. One child climbed on Daddy’s lap and one child on Mommy’s lap. The older child sat close by with a book of their own.
I watched expressions on the faces of the children. Each word the parent read was listened to and enjoyed. I wanted to tell the parents what a wonderful blessing they were giving the children and everyone around them. But, I stayed in my seat until they were finished reading. Then, I walked over and shared my thoughts.
Keeping a bag of books in the car is a great idea. Waiting time can be frustrating, cause anxious thoughts and make us feel lonely. Having books to read together provides a time for bonding and bringing families close together.
Do you have a bag of books in your car or do you keep books ready to read at your house? Children may enjoy searching through bags or baskets of books and choosing an old favorite or a new story.
Next time you are “waiting”, notice the people around you. Are they reading?
Have a blessed day,
Melissa Henderson