They are watching and listening…
By the time this message posts, the country will have been dealing with a virus outbreak and a violence outbreak. News and radio reports, social media and conversations between family, friends and strangers have discussed the bad and sometimes looked for the good. Yes, there have been people who have focused on the good by sharing positive comments and heartwarming photographs. I appreciate the Scripture and joy filled posts on social media.
I pray that we are watching and listening how children are taking in the daily happenings. One of my recent posts on this site was “Observing and Absorbing During the Virus”. There was no way to know another heartbreak was coming. Just as we have been discussing the coronavirus, now we are discussing tension between people.
Children are watching us. Children are listening to our conversations. While we discuss our personal views with friends, family and strangers, the young people around us are learning how we deal with the violence seen in the media.
Remember to watch for signs of stress or worry in children. They may be keeping emotions to themselves because of fear. Uncertainty may cause them to be extra quiet or to act out in harsh ways. Be alert for changes in personality. Be ready to discuss any questions they may ask.
Think of ways to show children love and positivity. Ask open ended questions about how they are feeling. Remind children they are loved and cherished by you and by God. Let children know you will take care of them. Remind them of our Heavenly Father who loves us more than we can imagine.
Keeping a familiar schedule is helpful during times of stress. Our grandson has a night time routine of dinner, bath, story time and then, sleep. Those routines help adults and help children.
Find a favorite book and read together. Enjoy the simple things in life. Laughter, running through the sprinkler in the summertime, walking the dog, writing notes to loved ones, sharing Bible stories and more.
Use your own words and actions to bring joy, peace and to shine the love of God to everyone.
Remember, the children are watching and listening. Let’s give them peace and joy.
Melissa Henderson
This is so true. I pray for my grandchildren, and as a grandparent I’m available for them to talk and love on them.
What a blessing for your grandchildren! Prayer and being available are true gifts. Have a wonderful day!
This is so true! Adults are dealing with a serious situation that we don’t know exactly how to navigate. It’s easy to get so absorbed in our own anxiety that we forget children are absorbing it too. Fear of the unknown is often greater than fear of reality. Thank you for these great suggestions!
Thank you Crystal. Yes, adults have so much to think about and try to navigate. Children are going through new experiences, too. We need to help children get through these difficult times. Have a blessed day!
Thank you for this important reminder!
You are welcome. Thank you for reading and commenting Nancy. Have a blessed day!
This is a great reminder. You are right: they are ALWAYS watching and listening. Let’s model Jesus for all.
Thank you Jessica. 🙂 Yes, they are ALWAYS watching and listening. Have a blessed day!
What a good reminder that our children and grandchildren are listening and watching. What they pick up will either reassure them or distress them. So we must be mindful of what we are conveying and act in ways that are comforting and calming.
Thank you Anne. I pray we all will be mindful of what we are showing to children and adults. Have a blessed day! 🙂
Great message, Melissa. Sometimes we forget how things affect children even if they are not expressing it. While we hope to shield their young hearts and minds from these evils, realizing the routines help them feel loved and secure.
Thank you Karen. Yes, we sometimes forget how children can be affected by their surroundings. I pray we will make them feel loved and secure. Have a blessed day! 🙂
These insights are much needed today. I’m glad you posted this. And children aren’t the only ones watching how Christians respond. We really need to think through our actions in light of how we believe Jesus would handle the situation.
Amen. Yes, Janice, we need to think about our actions and how Jesus would handle each situation. Have a blessed day! 🙂