Do You Have A Plan on How to Raise Your Children?
We plan for many things. We plan where we will go on vacation, what college we will attend, and how we will invest our income to secure our future. Understanding that the most important resource is our children, we need to plan on how we will raise them to become strong, faithful Christians. One way is to write a family mission statement — a covenant with the Lord. Remember that it is more than a plan, it is a guided process. “We’re talking about creating a home and a family environment in which you are learning together, praying together, putting faith into action together, and seeking to unite yourselves together around one rallying point: the gospel of Jesus Christ.”[1] A mission statement will clearly delineate your family’s goals to serve and honor the Lord, raise each child to love the Lord, and use the best resources to effectively educate them in Christian values and doctrine. Author Stephen Covey, who has written many books on how to be successful, states that one of the most effective ways to begin something and end successfully is to develop a mission statement, philosophy, or creed.[2] After you write a mission statement, I would like to add that you should read your mission statement daily.
Example of a family mission statement:
By the grace of our Lord and Savior, we will diligently:
Love the Lord Jesus Christ with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, day by day and moment by moment.
Praise him and give thanks to him daily and attend church faithfully.
Submit to God’s authority in every area of our lives.
Joyfully spread the gospel message.
Pray morning, noon, and night, asking the Holy Spirit to fill us and guide us.
Exhibit our faith in words and deeds.
Teach and raise our children in the ways of the Lord at home and at school. Amen!
As a family, seek to love and help others and be self-sacrificial in honor of the Father, Son, and His Holy Spirit.
Remember, this is a lifelong mission but, more importantly, it is an honor and privilege. Only a few will be blessed to enter the Kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:13-14).
[1] Terence Chatmon, Do Your Children Believe? 38.
[2] Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, 113.
Praying for families today and everyday. Thank you for this encouraging message.
Thank you, Melissa! Families today need many prayers!
Wonderful encouragement for training up our kids!
Thank you, Nancy! Yes, we all need to train them up!
Thank you for this. I wish I had been a “planning parent” when I was rasing my son and dauigahter, But I will certainly use this with my little grandson.
Thank you, and may God bless you as you raise your grand child have strong faith in Jesus!!