Let’s Make 2021 a GREAT Year!

I don’t usually pick a theme for every year, but after 2020 threw us all such a curve ball, I felt inspired to choose one for 2021. It started with picking a theme Bible verse:
“Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven,” Matthew 5:19, NKJV.
I don’t know about you, but in my life in 2020, I was controlled by restrictions that were outside of my power to change. I couldn’t go grocery shopping late at night like I prefer when our city was put under curfew. I couldn’t sit down inside our favorite Mexican restaurant on a date with my husband (or even order take-out during the months it originally closed). I couldn’t schedule a haircut at my local shop when I needed one. I couldn’t attend funerals with friends and neighbors who lost a loved one. The list goes on and on and I know you have tales of your own to tell. Yes, 2020 is a year many of us would like to forget.
But with Matthew 5:19 in mind, 2021 can be a GREAT year, because no matter what restrictions are enforced or new virus strains are discovered, God gives us an amazing promise:
If we follow His commandments, and teach these commandments to others, we shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven.
As parents and grandparents, caregivers or educators, this is an exciting prospect indeed! Our efforts to train up godly children in the day-to-day interaction with them by modeling the life of a Christ-follower and teaching a biblical worldview to the next generation does not go unnoticed.
Now, I don’t know exactly what this promise means…does it mean that even while we’re doing this, God and Jesus are sitting in heaven and Jesus turns to God with excitement in His voice and says, “Look at her! She is doing a GREAT thing today. Truly she is GREAT in our kingdom.”
Or does it mean that on that day when we stand before the judgement seat and the books are opened, that Jesus will step forth and announce triumphantly to all the angels and heavenly host, “Take a special look at this person. He is GREAT! He taught the commandments and kept them well. Well done, good and faithful servant!”
I don’t know exactly how this verse will be fulfilled for eternity, but what I do know is enough to make me very, very excited for 2021 and the year ahead. I want to study God’s Word and read the Bible with renewed enthusiasm. I want to be diligent and faithful about my Christian walk to make sure I’m following God’s biblical commandments and not current cultural trends that are deceiving even fellow church-goers to err.
And then I want to teach God’s commandments to my grandchildren, my extended family, my neighbors, my fellow Christians, my social media connections…oh what a glorious goal for the year ahead, each and every day.
Yes, I’m counting on 2021 to be a GREAT year. I hope you’ll be inspired to do the same!
-written by Nancy I. Sanders, a bestselling and award-winning children’s author of over 100 books, including THE VERY OLDEST PEAR TREE. Visit her website to find out more at www.nancyisanders.com
-Image by ShadOwfall from Pixabay
This post is inspired. When we focus on God and teaching his truths instead of the chaos the world keeps throwing at us, we become winners by choice. Praise God and serve Him alone. We have a happy ending in store.