God Made Us Just Right

I had the pleasure of interviewing Allia Zobel Nolan whose picture book with Kregel Publishing is hot off the press! Here is what she has to say about God Made Us Just Right:
What inspired you to write the book?
I’ve always wanted to write a book that reassured young children a loving God made them just the way they are, on purpose, and with a plan. So whether they have black or blond hair, light or dark skin, or turn out to be tall or short, God thought about them from the start and created them “just right.” When young ones internalize that fact, I feel they’ll be less likely to compare themselves with others and find themselves wanting. Using a question-and-answer format and super cute drawings of baby animals and their parents, the book answers the “Why Mom” or “How come, Pop-pop,” in a kid-friendly way that I hope will leave an impression on children.
What is the main message of the book?
God loves diversity. It’s tucked in every fiber of his creations…whether it’s an animal, an insect, a flower, or a person. But He didn’t do it arbitrarily…He had a plan. Children see from the answers the animal parents give, that a long nose, quills, or big, long feet all serve a purpose. And I’m hoping the idea of being unique as explained by the adult animals will help little ones be accepting of their own and others’ body image and abilities.
What do you hope children/families will take away from reading your book?
Competition and unfavorable body image insinuate themselves into our lives from a very young age. We look at others and question whether their hair is better because it’s curly when ours is straight. Or we feel nerdy because we have to wear glasses when others don’t. I’m hoping this book will show children God thought long and hard about them to come up with just the right recipe for a one-of-a-kind little boy or girl who, however God fashioned her or him, was created to perfection with lots of love.
Thank you for sharing about your book, Allia. I am sure this will be a book that parents will want to read with their children. These messages are important for children to hear while they are young.
This looks like a wonderful book! Thank you for sharing!
What a precious book!