Etiquette: Does it Matter?

Does etiquette matter anymore?Is it important to introduce people in the correct manner (the elder first)? Is it crucial to set your table with the right placement of silverware and dishes? And what about shaking hands?
Certainly not during the coronavirus crisis!
Why were manners or protocol invented in the first place?
I’m reminded of these verses:
“Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1 Corinthians 14:40
Of course, this refers to the church’s protocol. But, in the same chapter Paul reminds us:
1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
When you think of it, organization brings peace — and so does knowing what is expected of you at any given moment. And can I say that manners (which means how one person treats another), show respect, give value to, and treat as precious, those around you? And isn’t that what it is all about?

Isn’t the book above a treasure? I bought it years ago when I was searching for “living books” (Charlotte Mason lingo) If you’re interested, you can find the book HERE.
These two, below, are specifically speaking to Christian children and young people. How are they different?
Well, they speak from a biblical point of view. These verses are reflected in both:
“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Galatians 5:14 KJV
“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 NLT
Good Manners for Boys and Girls is based on the 10 commandments, and begins at home: Honor thy father and mother. It then moves further afield to school, church, the “street” — and beyond. It is a inspirational little book.

The second book above, Handbook of Christian Etiquette will apply more for young people, high school age and beyond. It includes tips for conversation, carving a turkey, personality and charm, as well as relationships and the protocol for showers, engagements and weddings. I devoured this book in junior high!
Here is a website that might be helpful: The Intentional Mom
What about you? Are manners important? Why or why not? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
— Jarm Del Boccio, Middle-grade Historical Fiction Author
You are speaking my language! I am a firm believer in proper etiquette and manners, and I am afraid both are getting lost in today’s casual culture. I raised my kids with proper manners and it got noticed. They also had to write thank you notes not only for gifts, but to coaches and teachers at the end of a season or school year. It teaches gratitude and respect. And my pet peeve is when people don’t RSVP to an invitation. It’s rude and lazy. We also had the Goops book and my kids loved it! Thank you, Jarm for this needed post.
Crystal, I’m so glad you could relate to my post. Yes, I too bemoan the lack of manners today – in all generations. It’s time to bring them back.☺️
Yes! Perhaps it’s time for a new children’s book on manners to be written and published as well.
Amen – you’ve got that right, Janice! Hmmmmmm. . .☺️
I am a huge fan of manners being taught. It shows respect for others and helps remind kids (and us as adults as we hopefully continue the habits we learned as kids) that we are not the center of the universe. It’s a small and simple way to consistently treat others better than ourselves and practice servanthood.
So true Bonnie! “Preferring one another. . .” Realizing the preciousness of others.
Such a lovely post! Our friends had their elementary age sons enrolled in manner classes and they loved it! So fun to see this collection of vintage books!
Thanks, Nancy! They are treasures, and brought back memories of my fascination with etiquette as a child.