Happy New Year – Happy Birthday Jesus

In Exodus 12:1-2 God commanded Moses to make Aviv the first month of the year for the people of Israel. Some Bible translations spell the first month Abib. Aviv 1 falls on March 14 in 2021. Like Easter, it falls on different dates on our calendar every year.
Aviv is the month of new beginnings as we can recognize based on the events that have happened during this special month. The Jewish tradition holds that the earth was created in the month of Aviv, and the year 5781 is based upon research by early Jewish Bible scholars who attempted to determine the exact year based on biblical genealogies going back to Adam. So happy New Year and happy new everything on Aviv 1.
Many kinds of calendars have kept up with dates and holidays over the centuries and among different peoples. The Jewish calendar is based on the phases of the moon with each month beginning on the date the first sliver of the new moon appears and ends when the moon is fully dark. On our current calendar a day begins and ends at midnight, while on the Jewish calendar the new day begins at sundown. So Aviv 1 this year starts on March 13 at sundown and ends on March 14 at sundown. The month of Aviv was later renamed Nisan, the name currently used for the first month on the Jewish calendar.
Biblical events that happened in Aviv include the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt immediately following the first Passover on the 14th day. Prior to that day, the Israelite families were instructed to select a lamb on the 10th day and care for it until the 14th day when they were to slaughter and eat it putting the blood on their doorposts. (Exodus 12:3-6)
On the first day of the first month in the second year after leaving Egypt, the tabernacle was completed and set up for the first time at Mt. Sinai. (Exodus 40:2 & 14)
After wandering in the desert 40 years, on the tenth day of the first month the Israelites crossed the Jordan River on dry land to begin their conquest of the Promised Land. (Joshua 4:19)
The following New Testament events also took place in the month of Aviv (Nison) on the Jewish calendar. The events of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem as our sacrificial Lamb (Palm Sunday) and the Resurrection are always moved to Sunday on our current calendar because both events originally fell on a Sunday. But on the Jewish calendar these would have fallen on Tuesdays in 2021.
1) Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem corresponded to the day the Passover lamb was to be selected (10th of Nisan, Palm Sunday)
2) Last supper eaten with the Disciples and betrayal of Christ (14th of Nisan)
3) Crucifixion (15th of Nisan)
4) Resurrection (17th of Nisan)
I recently posted on this blog about another important event that many believe happened on Aviv (Nisan) 1, and that is the birth of Christ Jesus. This date, asserted by Jonathan Cahn, a Christian Jewish Rabbi, was established by thorough research of scripture, historic records, a basic understanding of the timing of the birthing of lambs, and the legal requirements of the Jewish people of that time. Read the post I wrote about the actual date of Christ’s birth here.
It is obvious that the month of Aviv (Nisan) is important to God considering all of the very significant events that took place during this month of beginnings. Though I don’t believe it is an issue critical to our salvation, I do believe God is honored when we recognize and honor these holy days. We might also receive special God-given blessings by honoring them.

This post was written by Janice D. Green, author of Baby Jesus . . . Messiah! Also available as an e-book.
Thanks for sharing about this time of Aviv, it is very interesting.
You’re welcome. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
Janice, it’s so fun to learn something new. You must have had such an exciting time digging up this research!
It has been fun. I would like to create a Jewish calendar and add more events to it as I read through the Bible, just to correlate when events happened.
Very interesting. Thank you for the information.
Thank you for the encouraging words.
This is so interesting, Janice! You have a knack for research and storytelling.
Thank you Jessica!
Janice, I love these calendar posts. They remind me that God is in EVERY detail!
Thank you Ava!
Wow, I learned a lot. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Lori. I’m glad you enjoyed it.