Young Yet Chosen Series
I am happy to share the Young Yet Chosen Series by Stephanie Henderson though this interview.
What inspired you to write this series?
I wrote these books to empower and encourage the generation from 8 to 18 years of age. It is a poetic charge to let them know that even at a young age they are called, chosen, and have a purpose greater than one can imagine. Parents can rest assured knowing that this series and those that will follow promote biblical knowledge as well as academic achievement by way of exposure to text parts, vocabulary, text dependent questions, and questions that promote critical thinking.
I love the title for this series. Please tell us a little bit about your books.
Book 1, David: From Keeping Sheep to Being King
David was the youngest of all of his siblings and kept his dad’s sheep, but God had a plan to make him King. This book captures David’s transition to the position that God had for him at a very young age. From the paw of a lion, from the paw of a bear and from the hand of the giant Philistine, God delivered David! The theme is that God often chooses the least likely candidate and that even as a young person God has a great plan for our lives.

Book 2, Joash: The Child King
Athaliah, Joash’s grandmother, thought she had destroyed all the royal heirs. But as an infant, Joash was rescued by his aunt Jehosheba and hidden in the temple for six years as his grandmother Athaliah reigned in Judah. In the seventh year, Jehoiada the priest, revealed Joash to the people and he was crowned King Joash. Go on this adventure with Joash, another young person chosen by God!

Book 3, Timothy: A Young Disciple
Come along on a journey with this young disciple of Christ! As a youth Timothy showed a great love of the faith, joined Paul on one of his missionary journeys and was able to lead the church. Timothy was encouraged to not let anyone look down on him because he was a young person but to be an example for other believers. This book will spark that drive for all young disciples to be the example!

Thank you, Stephanie for telling us about this wonderful Bible-based series for children and teens. Today’s kids will benefit greatly from these books.
The books can be purchased at all online platforms as well as’s bookstore.
Thank you for sharing about these books. Very interesting.
How wonderful to learn about this series! Thanks so much for this interview!!
You are welcome. I think it will be a great resource for families.
I am so grateful for the exposure that you provide! Thank you for displaying God’s books…I’m only the vessel! 🙏🏽💕
The three books are Amazing!!!
Excellent subjects for a series for children.
I think Joash is often overlooked!