The Lighthouse/El Faro The Miraculous Power of Yes.

I’m excited to join the Christian Children’s Authors’ Blog with my first post. The book that I am sharing today is one close to my heart.
The Lighthouse/El Faro
By Edward Tooley
Picture Book
Christian Faith Publishing:2020
Themes: missions, school, miracles
Setting Valle de Volcan and Cocal communities, Nicaragua
The story begins….
I know a place where children go to get help with schoolwork, called the learning center. The learning center has no tables or chairs. If a child wants to sit down, they have to carry a chair from home.
The Lighthouse/El Faro is a picture book told from the viewpoint of Anamarie, one of the children of Valle de Volcan. The learning center had a dirt floor and tin walls and roof. It was simple, but a place of joy where children received help and learned about God’s love for them.
Elianor Navarete, the extraordinary teacher of Student International’s education site, had a vision. She believed that a center was needed where the children could learn. Fortunately, others shared her vision, and people came together to build, brick by brick, and chair by chair, a beautiful place where children learn, not only academics, but Christ’s Good News of salvation.
Today the Lighthouse or El Faro in Spanish, serves the needs of many children. It is a place of joy, laughter, and love. The building is shared by the Student International medical site which meets the health and spiritual needs of the community as Bible study and prayer are integral parts of the mission.
Why you should add The Lighthouse/ El Faro to your book shelves:
*This well-written book is based on a true story showing that although children may be lacking in resources, with teachers sharing the love of Christ, they are rich.
*The Lighthouse/ El Faro is written in both Spanish and English making it accessible to readers of both languages.
*This book shows how the power of faith can make miracles happen.
*This is a great example showing how God’s people working together changes lives.
*The proceeds of The Lighthouse/ El Faro will be used to build a much needed playground for the children.
Here the trailer for The Lighthouse/El Faro
Let me give you a bit of background about my involvement. Each year I choose a guiding word instead of making New Year’s Resolutions. The year that I chose the word YES, the trajectory of my life changed. I had recently finished my career as a children’s librarian and teacher, my youngest child left for college, and I wasn’t quite sure what was next. I received a note from a friend saying that she was leading a women’s group to Nicaragua. Would I like to go? I’m sure you can guess my answer.
I arrived in Managua and drove to the base of Students International. I worked with the education site under the direction of the Spirit-filled teacher, Elianor Picado Munoz. In the midst of extreme poverty there was so much love respect. Valle del Volcán is situated in an area surrounding the city’s dump. In fact, many of the residents of the town “work” the dump finding recyclables and other things that can be used or sold.

Valle del Volcán
At the end of the trip, Elianor said it was her dream for the children to have a library as a part of the future education site. “Yes, that can happen.”
Many others have also said “Yes” to God’s call to build the El Faro Ministry Site. People donated money, time, books, and supplies to make it a reality. And, Edward Tooley, who has devoted much time and energy to El Faro, wrote this wonderful book.

Learn more about author Edward Tooley and purchase The Lighthouse/ElFaro.
Learn more about Student’s International which is an amazing Christian organization. They have many opportunities for high school and college students to serve and learn. There are outreaches for adults as well. Here is the link to the Nicaragua site.
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I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Claire, how amazing is this? Thanks so much for telling us about this wonderful book. And the inspiration to make a difference in our world. I love your New Year’s resolutions, too. Yes! I’m so inspired after reading this!!!
Thanks so much, Nancy. It has been such a blessing to see God’s faithfulness.
I love the photos of the real “El Faro” 🙂
Thanks, Mindy. I’m hoping to get back there soon.
The look of delight on the children’s faces is priceless. This is a great way to show children the difference they can make in the world.