Book Review – R is for Rhyming

What better way to celebrate National Poetry Month than with a book about poetry?
I love reading poetry but I haven’t always understood the reason and rhyme behind it. When I ran across R is for Rhyming by Judy Young I fell in love. This seemingly simple alphabet book is a book for everyone in the family. There’s even a Cowboy Rap for dad and some others I’m sure.
I found the pictures to be bright and appealing with original poems that even the smallest child will enjoy. Parents, teachers, homeschoolers, and writers alike will enjoy attempting to write as Judy did using her explanations. For those of us who want to understand more about an iambic meter, haiku, cinquain, sonnets, and quatrains this seemingly simple little picture book is filled with explanations of beats per line, syllables, rhyme schemes, and lines per stanza. Didn’t I make that sound intimidating? Not at all when Judy Young explains each style on its own page. She even tells us how to construct a jingle. Now that might earn us a few prize-winning dollars.
You don’t feel like writing a sonnet today? Maybe you’d rather try a ghazal. Yeah, I never heard of it either. It’s an ancient Persian poem. Or maybe you’d rather a trip to France today. Then try writing a kyrielle. Young children love imaginary places. Let them write a Xanadu.
Ms. Young also lets us know who is famous for writing in the different styles. Shakespeare wrote sonnets. Robert Frost, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote end rhymes. George Herbert wrote picture or shaped poetry in the 1600s but the one considered the father of shaped poetry is Guillaume Apollinaire in the 1900s. Last but not least is the poet who wrote Zany words. Can you guess who? Why Dr. Seuss! Of course, there were others. Maybe you can write Zany word poems too. Try it! Let’s see what you can do.
Blessings, Gail Cartee
#ChristianChildrensAuthors, #homeschool, #amwriting
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This sounds like a wonderful and fun book for kids, teachers, and parents! Thanks for sharing!
What a delightful book! I enjoy poetry and was taught poetry basics in my English classes through the years. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten a lot of what I learned. This little gem sounds like a great resource to refresh the old memory. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Amy, I find something new every time I pick it up. I was so excited about it I’ve already given a copy as a gift. Now I’ve got to remember to get myself another copy. Ha!
Thanks, Crystal, I’m excited about using it to help me with my writing.
Gail, I love this series of alphabet books by Sleeping Bear Press. I haven’t seen this one yet so I’m going to buy it for sure! Thanks so much for this fun book review.
I’ll have to check out the others by Sleeping Bear Press. I think I saw Michelle Medlock Adams recommend this one so I didn’t realize they had a series. Thanks for sharing and for commenting.
What a lovely book. I also love poetry but am a novice. This looks like a perfect book for April poetry month.
I’ve always wanted to write poetry so this was the perfect book for me. I can take each letter as a challenge or just peruse what looks fun. Thanks for commenting.
Wow! I think I need that book. I like to dabble in poetry. This looks like fun!
Thank you Janice. I learned and am learning so much about poetry from this little picture book.
I love poetry. My favorite poets include Edgar Guest (he’s from 100 years ago) and Robert Service. I have a hard time finding those books in the store though. I think I’d enjoy finding out about those poetry forms. Some are foreign to me!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of those poets. I’ll have to look them up. It’s so good to be able to share and learn from each other. Thank you, Lori!
I love poetry books. This one has such a beautiful cover. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Cheryl. The art inside is just as beautiful and the information is great!
Thank you for this wonderful recommendation!
Mindy, thank you for your comment. I gave away my book and had to order another! I know it will be helpful as I try out different styles and check to see if I’ve kept my meter and rhyme correct.