Support Authors of Christian Children’s Books in these 9 Ways

Writing is fun …for writers. We make a story come alive using words to paint the flow.
Writing is creative, fulfilling, and a calling.
Christian writing is even better because as we choose words and put them together into exciting sentences we introduce the joy of the Lord. Our written words will often be in bed with our readers whispering the Good News of Jesus Christ—the last positive words our little ones hear before going to sleep! What a thrill for us as writers!
Many of you, our fans, admire what we do every day, and some of you are ready to buy a book as soon as it is warm from the press. We thank you for that! But after that first initial enthusiasm, things might calm down pretty quickly.
Parents are so busy working and raising their families that they sometimes feel their ability to participate in ministry is small. But what if you could be part of the team to share Christ’s love through the written word?
If you ever wondered about what else you could do to share God’s Word, why not consider becoming part of a writer’s ministry team? Most authors I know are great writers but not great marketers. We would love for you to combine forces with us!
Check out 9 things you can do to help promote Christian Children’s books.
- Gifts: Anytime you need to give presents, choose to give a Christian book! The child who receives it does not need to be a Christian. Many good written Christian books have interesting plots and great art and can inspire a child to seek God. What an easy way to share Christ’s love when we give books with well-crafted messages in a captive story!
- Social Media: Share – share – share – the books you like. Take pictures of your kids reading them. Make short videos. Tell your friends! Make an effort; put it in your planner to keep sharing about it for months to come.
- Prayer: Put the books and the writers on your prayer list. Reach out to them and make an effort to support them! Share your thoughts on the books. Share the parts the children liked more! Give feedback and pray for the Word of God to reach many little hearts.
- Promote: Are you part of a homeschool group? Take a book from your favorite writer and propose to use it in the curriculum! Share how it has been helpful to your family and show the homeschool group the benefits of the book for the group.
- Follow: Follow Christian authors on Instagram, Facebook, or wherever they hang out.
- Review: Find Christian authors on Goodreads or Amazon and consider writing reviews on the books you’ve read. If you can give a good review, do it. If you find you can’t give them a 5-star review, send them a private message with suggestions that might help them improve the book. This is also helpful for serious writers.
- Libraries: Does your church have a library? Donate some books to it! Get those well-written books in the hands of children and let the stories do their jobs. Many librarians are happy to get suggestions from parents too!
- Donate: Donate Christian books to a school in your area. Private schools will especially appreciate these books on their shoestring budgets.
- Speaker: Can you invite a Christian Children’s book writer to speak at a special event? Church? Woman’s group? Children’s party?
Spend some time in prayer as you consider ways to help Christian authors reach the children with their special stories and messages.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You.
by Luisette Kraal
Be sure to sign up to receive updates of each new post on our Christian Children’s Authors blog. Follow us for new book news, free resources, parenting tips, and encouragement!
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Thank you for these reminders of ways to support authors. Have a blessed day!
Oh thank you for such an amazing and encouraging post! Even as a writer myself I want to do these things for my fellow authors too!
I just commented on Instagram how it’s tough for Christian children’s authors to reach a broader audience at the bookstore since they often aren’t in the children’s section but the ‘Christian only’ section. This is a wonderful list of ways to share news of these books!
These are such great reminders – and as a Christian author, it warms my heart. 🥰 Thanks for sharing, Luisette!
Great suggestions! Thanks for this post.
I love your number one on the list. Buy a book– so simple. But all of these ideas are wonderful!
These are wonderful ways to help authors. Thank you for posting!