The Dreamer — a book review

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Have you ever wondered why or how God decided to create the universe?
Cynthia Rylant is not considered a Christian writer but she is one of my favorite authors. In The Dreamer, she begins with a Dreamer who creates a star. Her creation story is not completely in order but the message is clear. We are created in His image. She concludes that the young artist has always called the people His children. “And they, in turn, have always called him God”.
Barry Moser does an excellent job with the illustrations. He even mimics the hands of God from the painting The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. You know and feel the majesty of God from his illustrations. You know the Dreamer is God.
Some may feel Mrs. Rylant’s creation story isn’t accurate and therefore should be dismissed. But let us remind ourselves that we take liberties in retelling Bible stories as well. Is there a donkey in the Bible for Mary to ride? No. Did the wise men visit the baby Jesus in the stable? No. Almost always, this is the way we portray the Christmas story. I feel Mrs. Rylant’s point in writing this beautiful book was not to retell the creation story point by point but to remind us that we, being created in His image, are creators as well. We are artists, inventors, musicians, writers, — dreamers.
Looking through the book once again, I can see her story started with the Dreamer simply cutting out a single star. His time wasn’t limited. He created through the night. One thing led to another until He finally created His children. Are we open to allowing our children the freedom to create? Are we allowing them time to explore? Freedom to create and time to explore can be messy. It can be loud. It can be very quiet. It can also be soothing, engaging, and joyful. It builds confidence and increases ability. It doesn’t happen overnight. Patience is the third ingredient to add to freedom and time. God is still working on little masterpieces.
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him ~ Psalms 37:7
What are some of the ways we can encourage our children to become the dreamers God created them to be?
Blessings, Gail Cartee
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You bring up some interesting points! Thank you for sharing.
Lori, thanks for taking the time to read. I hope you’ll check out this beautiful book.
Seeing this blast from the past gave my heart a jolt! It is a masterpiece. Thank you for sharing and for the reminder.
Yes Laura, some things are timeless. Many of Cynthia Rylant’s books fit into the timeless category. I love exploring her books.
This is a stunning book. Thank you for this thoughtful post.
Claire, thank you for stopping by.
Thanks, Gail, for this book review. I used Cynthia Rylant’s chapter books with my kids when they were learning to read. I had no idea she wrote this story!
Hi Jarm, my first introduction to Cynthia Rylant was When I was Young in the Mountains. That was my first mentor text. She and I have similar backgrounds. I had no idea she wrote such a variety of books until I started searching the library. I have found everything from picture books to mid grade/YA. Thanks for your comments.
Gail, I know of this author but didn’t realize the scope of her books. You have definitely piqued an interest that I’ll be pursuing. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks so much for your comments. I know you will enjoy the variety of books she writes.
Thank you for posting!
Hi Mindy, thanks for stopping by.