The Mother and Son Prayer Journal

Drawing from her experience as a mom of three sons, Christie Thomas knows how to reach boys with powerful messages from the Bible. In her new release The Mother and Son Prayer Journal, she offers an interactive devotional with lessons based on the exciting life of David. Mothers and sons can explore the truths of God’s word together and apply it to their own lives.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Christie about her book:
What inspired you to write this prayer journal?
My boys! And my friends’ boys. I knew there were a lot of books for mothers and daughters but there was nothing for us to specifically use with our sons. When I asked my friends what topics they wanted their sons to learn about, I realized that they were all covered in either the life or writings of King David, so each of the devotions comes directly from either David’s life or a psalm he wrote.
What is your vision for how this book can be used?
My hope is that each mom would enjoy having deep, interesting conversations with her son while teaching him a bit about the Bible. For the prayer portion, I hope that boys will learn that their prayers don’t have to be long to be meaningful, and that what they read in the Bible can help them know what to pray about. I also hope they get a taste of prayer journaling in a non-homework-ish way. As for the mom, I want her to enjoy having a space where she can write specific prayers for her son and keep them in one place so they can both look back on it years later, and see how God has been faithful.
What ages do you recommend for using the book?
The journal is good for ages 6-12. Normally when we say 6-12, it tends to rest more heavily on the older or younger end of the spectrum. However, moms of each age from 6-12 have told me that it’s working well with their boys. Some are even using it with their young teenagers to spark conversation.
Thank you, Christie, for sharing about this wonderful resource for mothers and sons. I am sure it will be well received!
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#christianbooksforkids #devotions for boys #mothersonprayerjournal
Thank you Crystal for interviewing Mrs. Thomas. I wish I had had a mother and son prayer journal when I was raising my boys.
🙂 Thank you for reading!
I have been wanting to check this journal out. Thanks for sharing about it!
Thanks for reading! I hope you find it helpful.
I love this and wish I had it for my boys! I’m glad my daughter has it for her sons.
Thanks so much for sharing about it!
Thank you so much for sharing about the journal!
I’m intrigued with the concept behind this book and the way it can be used to help teach the Bible to older children. It looks great!
It has been fun to use with all my boys, but the best conversations have been had with my 12-year-old. It definitely was a great way to teaching him about the Bible and about prayer.
Christie Thomas has written another winner! Thanks so much for interviewing her about this amazing new book!
Thank you so much for your kind words, Nancy!
I also have three sons (who are much older), but what a wonderful resource! Great interview!
I always love meeting other moms with a houseful of boys!
I love the idea of a Mother/Son journal. I wish I’d had this resource when my kids were younger!
🙂 Thanks so much for taking the time to read about the journal! Maybe you’ll have someone to recommend it to someday.