Christian Apologetics for Kids

Our faith is founded on fact. Historical documents exist that support evidence found in the Bible. Archaeological artifacts provide proof. Eyewitness accounts report firsthand details. All this and more work together to prove that Christianity is not based on fabricated fairy tales or made-up myths but is actually based on fact.
As parents, caregivers, ministry workers, teachers, librarians, authors, and influencers in our children’s lives, we have the wonderful opportunity of teaching apologetics to the next generation. Why? So that when they are challenged to defend their faith and asked why they believe, they’ll be equipped to stand firm and not question their own belief themselves.
There are amazing resources for us to use to teach kids apologetics…that our faith is founded on fact. Here are a few!
THE ANSWERS BOOKS FOR KIDS by Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge, and Cindy Malott helps children find answers to their questions in the Bible.
GET TO KNOW BIOGRAPHIES FOR KIDS: JESUS, MARY, APOSTLE PAUL, and KING DAVID by Nancy I. Sanders. That’s right, I wrote this series of four books that use maps, primary sources, in-depth research, a timeline of world history and much more to teach kids the historical accuracy and trustworthy nature of the Bible and about God the Creator whose plan of redemption comes through Jesus His Son.
THE CASE FOR CHRIST FOR KIDS by Lee Stroble uses eyewitness accounts, historical evidence, expert testimonies and much more to provide solid evidence that Jesus really is the Savior of the world.
THE BIBLE EXPLORER’S GUIDE: 1000 AMAZING FACTS AND PHOTOS by Nancy I. Sanders brings Bible times and Bible people to life with full color photographs of ancient artifacts, maps, and reference materials that builds a solid foundation for faith. This is another book I wrote that is also the co-winner of the prestigious ECPS 2018 Young People’s Literature Award!
ALWAYS BE READY APOLOGETICS MINISTRY has a wide range of resources for youth and adults. From DVDs to books to a course for teens, Charlie Campbell’s ministry is a trusted resource to train up our kids to have a strong faith in today’s challenging culture.
Yes, as these resources and others help us understand, it’s a certainty that our faith is founded on fact. But even if it wasn’t, I’d still choose to believe!
-blog post written by Nancy I. Sanders, a bestselling and award-winning children’s author of over 100 books including Get To Know: Jesus, Mary, Apostle Paul, and King David. For a free educator’s guide to use with your students or homeschooling family as well as engaging activities, CLICK HERE to visit her website.
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Thank you for once again sharing some great resources!