Exciting Resource for Christian Families

We love to hike the trails in our nearby mountains. Nature surrounds us with pine trees as tall as cathedrals towering over our heads. And from the tiniest acorn to a bristly pinecone to the tallest fir tree, creation sings praises to our amazing Creator, the God of the universe!
If you would like to teach your children (or study it yourself!) about the biblical account of creation and how it impacts our faith as well as our world, I know an amazing resource! The Institute for Creation Research has an impressive 36-week creation unit study plan. It’s perfect for homeschoolers. It’s perfect for small group study. It’s perfect for families of all backgrounds and sizes!
CLICK HERE to visit the website of the Institute for Creation Research to learn all about this resource and how you can purchase books for a variety of ages and stages of learners. Get ready to embark on an exciting adventure to learn more about our planet and Creator God.
-blog post written by Nancy I. Sanders, a bestselling and award-winning children’s author of over 100 books including Get To Know: Jesus. CLICK HERE to visit her website.
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Creation is amazing!
Oh yes! I love diving deeper into this part of our faith.
Good article, Nancy! And Institute for Creation Science is a great resource!
Thanks so much!!!! Glad you like them, too!
In our street, in the middle of Chicago the neighbor use the sidewalk (part of it) to make a beautiful beautiful piece of heaven. People take the bus from far to come see it. God speak to us through nature.
Oh it sounds wonderful!!!! I’d love to see a photo of it sometime!!!
Sounds like a great resource! We have visited the Creation museum several times—it was a great experience as well as the Ark Encounter!
We used to visit it when it was near us but haven’t yet since it moved. I’d love to go!
Thanks for the link for this great resource! The Creation Museum is on my list of place to visit, hopefully in the near future.
Me too!!
What a gold mine for home educators!! We loved our visit to both the museum and ark.
So glad to hear!
Thanks for sharing this! In today’s world, finding sound biblical resources (especially about creation) is so important. 🙂
Yes, I’m so glad they have these resources available for us and for our kids!
The Institute for Creation Research is an amazing organization. This looks like an excellent study.