Book Review: The Beautiful Story Within Me

The Beautiful Story Within Me by Kelly Mize
This story follows a child’s life into adulthood as she finds value in herself based on what others say. But when she meets Jesus and learns how precious she is in His sight, everything changes for eternal good.
What a treasure this picture book is! The full-color illustrations are inspiring and welcoming. And the message of hope and self-worth and eternal value is one I want to share with little learners and adult readers as well. This picture book impacted me so much I purchased four copies to give as Christmas gifts to loved ones this year!
This picture book is an excellent resource for children’s ministry workers as well as counselors who are helping people find meaning and purpose for their lives. It’s an amazing book to gift to family members and loved ones, especially young readers.
To learn more about the story behind this story as well as to get to know the author, Kelly Mize, CLICK HERE to read an author interview.
Merry Christmas!
-blog post written by Nancy I. Sanders, a bestselling and award-winning children’s author of over 100 books including Bedtime with Mommy, a wonderful Christmas gift for young mothers and their precious little ones. CLICK HERE to visit her website.
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Such a great book! We thoroughly enjoy it!
So glad to hear! Our 5 year old grandson really likes it too!
Thank you so much, Cyndi! I’m glad you like it and so appreciate your support!
Sounds like a great book with a great message! Thanks!
You’re welcome. So happy to spread the news about a great book!
Thank you, Mindy! I really appreciate your enthusiasm about the book’s message!
This sounds like a great book with a wonderful message! Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome. It’s one of the most inspiring books (especially for writers) I’ve ever read!
Thank you so much, Crystal! I’m so thankful to Nancy for sharing it with you!
So glad to hear about this one! Sounds wonderful!
Yay! Can’t wait to hear how you like it.
Thanks so much for your interest, Karen. I hope you are able to check it out!
Thank you for making us aware of this special book! I’m eager to check it out.
I’m so glad to hear!!!
Thanks so much, Sharon! I hope you like it!
I have to look this one up. It looks like a book that would be great for the whole family.
Janice, thank you so much! I hope you will be blessed by the book. It has always been my prayer that it would appeal to all ages!