Dreadful Show & Tell

Oh, how dreadful was the show and tell time at school when I was young. I was NOT a good speaker, I was shy and could barely find paper, colors, and items to produce a good board to bring to school. I couldn’t wait for the day to be over and hide my humiliation at home.
Little did I know back then, that show and tell is part of life! That is how we live our lives. We show people around us in 1000 ways who we are, what we believe, what we stand for. Everyday. And the biggest spectators we have are our children. They look at us and mimic us.
To tell a child to do something is not always beneficial. It is better to SHOW a child how to live the faith. Kids have an excellent nose for hypocrisy. If you want your child to follow Christ, follow Him. If you want a child to read the Bible, read it! If you want your child to enjoy the Bible stories, enjoy reading the stories with them and helping them build their faith in Christ. Because these little children’s books and stories will help teach your children how to be followers of Christ

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A great reminder. Thanks for sharing!