How to stop searching for the pot of gold and rainbow. Grace is better.
If anyone knows about a pot of gold and rainbow, it is Little Pot. After all, in the story, the potter allows it to be a coin pot. While Little Pot holds coins, it feels very rich and believes that being a coin pot is the “best pot to be!” Just as Little Pot did when it identified itself as a paper pot, a coin pot, and a flowerpot, we identify ourselves by what we hold. And let’s face it, we really are wanting to reach the end of a rainbow and be the pot of gold.

I have to agree with Little Pot. I love it when my creator allows me to hold riches. Truthfully, I get stressed when my bank account runs low. I do not want to worship money, but I often find myself trusting in my finances more than Jesus. Recently, I did a Bible study called When Strivings Cease by Ruth Chou Simons.
In this study, Ruth teaches us about replacing our ideas of self-improvement with the gospel of life-transforming grace. As a mom, wife, employee, or any role God has given you, I know you have felt that you are not enough. Or that you need to be better. If you’re like me, you have been continually striving to do more and be more. Or, as Little Pot …to hold more. Let’s face it, we constantly feel as though our best can be better and that we are not doing enough. You may even be passing that pressure on to your children. Friend, I’ve been there, and I struggle to not stay there. I think that is why I felt I had to share this Bible study with you.

How much is a pot of gold worth?
It wasn’t as if I didn’t know about God’s grace. I memorized Ephesians 2:8-9 as a little girl. I knew that it was grace that saved me. God gave me a free gift of salvation when he died on the cross in my place. My free gift of salvation cost Jesus His life. The idea that I am worth that to Him is mind-blowing. I know that I can never repay the gift. I did absolutely nothing to earn it. Yet, somehow, for me, it stopped there. The idea of grace did not keep me from continually striving to please God. And not just God … I am a people pleaser too. Consequently, this Bible study helped me to see that “grace is more extravagant than we know”.
“Grace is more extravagant than we know”
Ruth Chou Simons, When Strivings Cease
I recently left a job where I made a good living. I have been struggling since then with the idea that I am no longer adding financially to our household. My husband has a great job and makes enough for us to live comfortably at this stage of our life. Therefore, I know that God has provided me with this time where I can minister to others. I even prayed for this during the many years of working outside the home. Yet, now that I have it, I am struggling with idea that I am not worth as much without a salary or income. I do not like to admit that among other Christians. Even typing it sounds silly. Yet, if I am honest, that has been my quiet struggle this past year.
Maybe it’s the idea that we will someday reach the end of a rainbow and obtain a higher level of comfort. The problem with self-improvement is that it can always be improved upon. Therefore, the pot of gold is an uncontainable value.
Grace replaces the pot of gold and rainbow.
Digging into this study helped me to see my struggle and realize that grace is meant not just to save us, but to completely transform us. “We need God’s grace to rescue us from ourselves.” If our identity is based on anything except Christ, we need to rethink and renew our minds.
“We need God’s grace to rescue us from ourselves”
Ruth Chou Simons, When Strivings Cease
In my ministry, I base my identity on Christ. I tell people that I am a fruit pot or a vessel that bears fruit for the potter. However, I can sometimes forget that it’s the potter growing the fruit. A more truthful way to explain it would be, “I am a vessel where the potter grows His fruit.” You see, even in the Christian walk, we can get caught up in the performance of living Godly lives. As we strive to be better each day, we forget who Christ is and what He is. The writer of Hebrews told the Jews who were always striving to be better, that Jesus is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises (Hebrews 8:6). Our search for the end of a rainbow cannot be in our own efforts to be better. It is found in the grace that Jesus gives us each day.
“Better is a never ending trap that can’t save you.”
Ruth Chou Simons, When Strivings Cease
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This blog was written by Dawn Stephens
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Beautiful post, Dawn! I LOVE the Potter/clay imagery! And through Sheila Walsh I’ve embraced thankfulness for the Kintsugi imagery too…we are repaired with gold! (Google it😊) I am eager to get your book!
Timely post. I needed this today.