Hear, O Little One in the Morning; Hear, O Little One in the Evening

I am pleased to feature this beautiful “two-books-in one” board book by Eric and Meridith Schrotenboer, with illustrations by Guy Wolek. The text is based on the Shema found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. “Hear, O Israel” are the first three words that begin the morning and evening prayer spoken by the Israelites, and still used in Jewish services today. “Hear, O Little One, is an adaption of that prayer written for today’s young children.
The Morning and Evening text begin with this verse:
Hear, O Little One,
how much God loves you.
Because of God’s love,
we can love too.
There is no greater message that we can instill in our children than the message of God’s love. When young children hear this message in the morning, it carries them through the day. When they hear it again at night, it comforts them in the darkness. Hear, O Little One captures this message in a board book that can be read every day, morning and evening. Using words inspired from the ancient scrolls of Deuteronomy, this book will help your children experience the depth of God’s love and teach them how they can show their love for God and others.
Today’s children are being raised in a world where many people no longer honor God. We need to equip our children to be strong in their faith and let the truth of God’s Word govern their lives. “God loves you,” are three powerful words with eternal value that all children need to hear.
To learn more about Eric and Meridith Schrotenboer, visit www.ericschrotenboer.com
You can find Hear, O Little One on Amazon, Christian Book Distributors, and Harvest House Publishers.
Hear, O Little One: In the Morning and in the Evening: Schrotenboer, Eric, Schrotenboer, Meredith, Wolek, Guy: 9780736983655: Amazon.com: Books
Hear, O Little One | Harvest House (harvesthousepublishers.com)
Hear, O Little One: In the Morning and in the Evening: Eric Schrotenboer, Meredith Schrotenboer Illustrated By: Guy Wolek: 9780736983655 – Christianbook.com
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This sounds like a wonderful book with an important message for children and for their parents. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you, Esther. I love how Eric and Meredith write books for children that are based on Scripture. It’s a great way to hide God’s Word in their little hearts.