Three Ways for Kids to End the School Year Strong
For most cities in the United States, there’s about a month of school left. These final days can be crazy busy! There are last minute field trips planned and fun school-wide celebrations ahead. The whole winding-down process provides many distractions to kids, and plenty of opportunity to slack off. However, it’s important to encourage your kids to end the school year strong.
Take it from a teacher’s perspective—there is still much to be accomplished in those last 20 days. Many instructors are following a timeline to introduce mandatory learning standards or are finishing up end-of-year (EOY) testing to measure academic growth in various subjects. If your child loses focus, he may miss important information or score lower than his potential on an assessment.
How can you keep your child on track? Here are three ideas.
- Maintain your routine
Even though the weather is warming, and the grill and pool are calling your name, resist the temptation to stay up late playing outdoors. Instead, stick to your routines. They provide a predictability that help children feel safe. The same morning routine sets a calm start. Keeping homework time protected lends the child confidence. And going to bed at a consistent time will prevent exhaustion.
- Keep a calendar
Visuals often help reduce children’s stress. You can jot down upcoming fun events, like a field day, carnival, or field trip. Likewise note known testing dates and major homework assignment due dates. The night before, set goals for the next day so your child has a clear understanding of your expectations and their responsibilities.
- Emphasize the importance of doing your best
Sometimes, kids get the I’m-almost-done bug and rush through their work at the end of the school year. You can encourage them to avoid making careless mistakes by attaching a checklist they can reference to a folder or other visible supply. Add things like, my name is on my paper, I showed my thinking, I re-read each question, I used my best handwriting. If desired, celebrate each box they checked off when they return home.
How about you? Do you have any great tips on how to keep your kids focused through the end of the school year? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.
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And visit me on Instagram @Lori.Z.Scott . I’d love to connect. Have a blessed final month of the 2021-2022 school year!
Lori Z. Scott
YA novel Inside the Ten-Foot Line coming October 2022 from End Game Press.
#christianchildrensauthors #christianauthors #christianwriters #christianteachers #endoftheschoolyear
These are great tips! And, as a former teacher, I can tell you they would get a loud Amen! from any child’s teacher. It never hurts to remind our kiddos that it ain’t over ’til it’s over.