Integrating Learning with Art

I have always loved art. I remember asking for art supplies as one of my earliest presents. My parents not only got supplies but purchased a child’s easel which I use even today.
I recently discovered Kathryn O’Neill who wears many hats as a writer, speaker and educator. Her love for all things history and science has led her to create art lessons that integrate all subject areas. Her blog posts, website, and newsletter encourage parents and teachers to use research and close observations to contrast, compare and ask questions as they prepare to create art.
Her recent posts about John James Audobon help children explore his paintings in museums. She provides web links to the museums and then encourages children to use close observation of the paintings to discover the patterns and context. One of my favorites is a hawk swooping down on a nest of partridges. Wings fly and birds scatter. Audobon tried to make everything life-size so the natural setting is accurate to what we find in natural habitats. Mrs. O’Neill shows children how to contrast and compare their observations in paintings to see how God fits His creation together exactly right for survival and growth.
Mrs. O’Neill points out that it is important for children to not only choose favorite paintings or books or birds but to also be able to give a reason for those choices. We as parents and teachers often ask which one do you like but forget to ask why. The why question encourages deep thinking in children. Maybe that’s why we get overwhelmed by the why questions from our little ones. They make us think. Mrs. O’Neill also encourages us to help children rephrase new words to imprint new vocabulary. It is obvious in the structuring of her blog that she thinks through each step of research, observation, connections, and art to enhance each child’s learning at their individual levels. She suggests picture books and children’s books that provide more information about the subjects children study. There are even devotions to go along with the study. I feel the integration of all subjects including the enrichment of God’s word makes learning enjoyable and profitable.
Mrs. O’Neill best explains her work with this quote from her newsletter:
Kathy O’Neill is a writer, speaker and educator. She has an education degree with concentrations in art and child and adolescent psychology and 30+ years of teaching experience at all age levels. Also a writer, with devotions and articles in a number of publications, Kathy enjoys speaking in classrooms, chapels, and to church and homeschooling groups. In every situation Kathy’s goal is to help people discover their gifts and creativity in art, see how God continues to work throughout history, and see His hand in nature.
She also writes for adults integrating writing and art every fourth Monday at Write2Ignite.
Kathryn O’Neill may be found at / and She offers in-person and online workshops.
Blessings from Gail Cartee.
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Isn’t Kathryn wonderful and all the resources she offers?! Thanks for introducing her at CCA!!!
Yes, I was amazed when I read her article in Wrtie2Ignite and then visited her blog and website. She truly has a heart for children.