Sharing the Joy of Baptism

Baptism is an important milestone in the life of a Christian and it certainly is an event to celebrate.
This is why I am excited to share a new book by one of my favorite authors.
BAPTIZED IN THE WATER: Becoming a Member of God’s Family
By Glenys Nellist (author) and illustrated by Anna Kazimi
Picture book for ages 3-8 and the adults who love them
Published by Zonderkidz: 2022
Themes: Baptism, The Holy Spirit, Spiritual Life
The story begins…
“Baptism is a beautiful, holy, and mysterious gift. When water is poured on a person, when prayers are said, when songs are sung, and promises are made, God’s holy, invisible spirit hovers in the air… just like it did over two thousand years ago when Jesus stepped into the waters of the River Jordan. That wonderful day, Jesus was baptized by a man called John. And something amazing happened…”

In lovely, lyrical language, author Glenys Nellist shares the story of Baptism, its meaning, history, and importance of being united in the body of Christ.
Why I love this book:
- The book begins with the biblical baptism of Jesus Christ and goes on to show how baptism today links us back to that day.
- Different traditions are shared in a holistic way. Though there are different manners of baptism the meaning is the same – that in baptism we belong to God.
- The page spreads include information accompanied by lovely poems that are just right for young children.
- Different types of baptisms are shared including parents bringing their babies to the church and children and adults making the decision themselves to be baptized.
- Children will understand that regardless of where one is baptized, be it in a church, pool, river, lake, or ocean, what matters is belonging to God.
- The illustrations on each spread show the diversity of God’s people. Different races, ages, and physical abilities are pictured giving a glimpse of what heaven will be like.
This great book for parents, grandparents, teachers, and ministers provides an opportunity to reflect on their own baptisms. It is perfect way to begin conversations and talk about God’s love, grace, and mercy.
I was baptized as a baby but chose to be baptized as an adult, with my husband, in the Jordan River. This is one of my most precious memories.
I highly recommend that BAPTIZED IN THE WATER: Becoming a Member of God’s Family be purchased for family, school, and church libraries.

Thank you for reading today’s Christian Children’s Authors post. Follow us to read inspiring updates, resources, parenting tips, and encouragement!
-Claire Noland
#christianchildrensbooks, #christianpicturebooks, #christianchildrensministry
Claire, what a beautiful review! I’m so grateful for your kind words. Thank you.
Thanks for writing such a beautiful and much needed book!
This book looks intriguing. I hope to find and read it soon.
I’m sure you’ll enjoy and want to share it.
Glenys Nellist is a talented children’s author who knows how to teach deep spiritual truths to children. I have no doubt that this book is wonderful. I need to get a copy for myself!
Crystal, there you go again, filling my bucket.
Glenys does knows how to write beautiful and important books that help children develop their faith. This is an exceptional picture book.