A Prayer for Our Country

I’ve often wondered how to pray for our country. I’ve also wondered how to help our children pray for America.
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, I Timothy 2:1-3 (NKJV)
So often I find myself and others angry and discouraged by what we see happening in our country but angry words and negativity will not bring about the unity we want to see in our country. However, when we turn to God in prayer I know the Lord will hear and give us those things our hearts long for. May I introduce you to a book written for children by the Chaplain of the US Senate Rear Admiral Barry Black (Ret). When I was introduced to his book A Prayer for Our Country, I knew this was exactly how we need to teach our children to not only love our country but to pray for our country. I also found it to be a good model for us as adults.
Chaplin Black helps children see how to put feet to their prayers by:
- showing love to others around us.
- giving praise and thanks to the Lord for the day.
- Giving thanks for the strength within us, our family, and our friends.
The prayer acknowledges God as our Creator and encourages us to be thankful for His creation which shows us evidence of God’s love. The prayer also acknowledges our blessings of food, clothes, and shelter. The illustrations show children how to share those blessings with those less fortunate.
The prayer asks that the Lord show us how to use every part of us to bring joy to others.
- We recognize God as the Good Shepherd.
- We ask to be taught to use words wisely, words that heal, not hurt.
- We ask to recognize that every person is made in the image of God.
- We are reminded that God is not a respecter of persons which helps us understand the need for unity.
- We recognize we have problems that sometimes cause us to feel lost and overwhelmed.
The illustrations challenge children to care for each other, and to show love and respect because of the word of God.
We know God is in control. He chose us. With God’s help, we do our best even when no one else is looking.
Chaplin Black ends the prayer by letting children know God is close and chases away the darkness. He ends the prayer by saying, “in Your loving name.” There is no mention of Jesus but here’s one of the many opportunities we as parents have to teach our children about God’s love.
- What is the loving name of God?
- What verses could be used with this book to encourage children to memorize scripture?
- What talents do our children have to share?
- How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities?
Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. ~President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address
Chaplin Black and his illustrator Kim Holt give us the perfect example of what we can do for our country. May we prayerfully lead our children into the celebration of our country’s birthday this Fourth of July.
Wishing you a Happy Fourth of July — Gail Cartee
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This looks like a wonderful book. I hope to read it soon.
Thank you Janice. I know you will enjoy it.
such a timely and important topic. This book look like one that families should definitely add to their shelves. Thank you for sharing.
Yes, Claire. I think we could all benefit from a copy of this book and using it as a guide for our prayers and actions.