Jesus as a Lamb. A book to explain it all.
When children hear of Jesus as a lamb they do not always understand why. Just ask a few of them why they think Jesus is called the lamb of God. I once asked several students this question and heard answers like “Lambs are gentle like Jesus”, “Lambs are loving”, and even “Because Jesus is the shepherd”. Obviously, I had some work to do in helping them understand this important name of Jesus.
Jesus as a lamb in the Bible
We first read about Jesus being called the Lamb of God when John the Baptist sees him. In John 1:29, he says “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”. There are several other places in the Bible that refer to Jesus as a Lamb. In Revelation, Jesus is ascribed as a lamb on the throne of God. Therefore, teaching the concept of Jesus being a lamb is an important part of our understanding of the Bible. Learning the role that lambs had in Bible times is the first step to knowing why Jesus was called the Lamb of God. Animal sacrifices were common in the Old Testament. We read about Abraham making sacrifices and lamb’s blood being put over the doorpost for the final plague to pass over the Israelites in Egypt. In Leviticus, the Israelites are given specific instructions about animal sacrifices so they can be in the. presence of God. That may seem like something you do not want to share with kids. However, explaining that death is the payment for sin and that blood represents life is necessary. If you are looking for a friendlier way to illustrate how the blood of Jesus washed our sins away, check out this blog and children’s book where the potter washes his vessel.

A book to explain it all
One of the best books I’ve discovered that explains Jesus as a lamb is The Lamb by John R. Cross. I used this book as a Christian school principal. Each Friday I would share a new section of the book during our schoolwide Bible lessons. My audience was children from kindergarten through the sixth grade. Consequently, I needed a resource that would reach across their ages. This book did just that and was an excellent way for children to gain a deeper perspective of the entire Bible.
The book is designed to share in ten different settings. It contains ten chapters with full-page illustrations. Each chapter contains biblical facts and how it is relevant to us. At the end of each chapter, there are questions that make for great discussions. When I shared this book with my students, I had parents tell me their children wanted to discuss more at home. One parent shared with me how impressed she was that her seven-year-old could explain Jesus as a lamb.
The book is available on kindle. However, I highly recommend you get a hardback copy and keep it as a keepsake for your children. It includes over 180 pages of text and beautiful illustrations. In addition, there is a CD with narration and music.

This blog was created by Dawn Stephens. If you are interested in more resources to help your children learn about the Bible and become fruit-bearing vessels sign up here.
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How have I missed this book?!!! I’m putting this on my must-have list! Thanks, Dawn!
you are so welcome Nancy.
Thank you for this, Dawn! I love everything you posted! I ordered The Lamb Book already, and I am printing the 7 steps to becoming a fruit pot as I write this! I thoroughly love the Lord and explaining biblical imagery to children of all ages! If others too love biblical imagery/metaphors, may I also direct them to my two books of devotionals entitled Victor Discovers Treasure? Nearly 90 metaphors unpack/unwrap the mysteries of the Bible’s treasure language! A great resource for homeschooling parents, meal-time/night-time devotions, grandparents, and Christian school teachers! THANKS AGAIN!
Thank you, Sharon. And welcome to the fruit pot family. I am definitely going to check out Victor Discovers Treasure.