Let’s Make Friends by Karen Whiting

Encourage your children to be a good friend and make good friends. As school starts, continue to help your children to nurture good friendships and make new ones. It can take a while to make a good friend.
1. The first step is to be a good friend. List what you’d like in a friend and make sure you are like that too.
Circle some of the most important friendship qualities. Add others that matter to you.
Loyalty Honesty Listens well Creative Fun
Praises you Shares Kind Same interests
Makes good choices Happy Appreciates your success
Not jealous Loves Jesus Forgiving Accepts you
2. Help your child understand ways to make a friend with these tips:
- Notice what the individual does well and say something positive like, “You’re good at math.” Or “You run fast”
- Introduce yourself, like, “I’m Johnny and I like to play soccer.”
- Be available. Ask you parents when you can invite someone over to play or meet them at a park.
- You need information, like a phone number to be able to call or ask the friend to play. With your parent’s permission, make a friend card with your name and phone number to give to someone who wants to be your friend.
- Really listen. Look at the person. Is the person happy, sad, or angry? Respond with kind words if there’s sadness or anger, and with humor or smiles if the person is happy.
- Read scriptures about friends: Proverbs 17:17 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 2 Samuel 1:23. Remember that Jesus is always your friend.
3. Solve problems with friends
- Head off jealousy by being thankful for your friend’s blessings.
- Cut out control issues. Share choices with friends, without always giving in or insisting on being in charge every time. Use words that promote sharing, such as “I want you to have the first choice”, “let’s share”, and “I like your ideas and hope you’ll like mine too.”
- Stop competing. Respect friends, and congratulate friends who succeed.
- Encourage a larger circle of kids. Invite newcomers to join your fun.
- Learn to solve problems. Identify the real problem, express each one in an I-statement. Brainstorm solutions, and choose a compromise or satisfactory plan to try.
- Be forgiving.
4. Try this friendship Bingo: see how many squares you can check off in a week or two.
Gave a compliment | Smiled at someone I don’t know | Asked someone to play with me | Listened well | Noticed when someone did something good |
Cheered a friend on in a sport | Shared a snack | Let a friend have the first turn | Forgave someone | Prayed for a friend |
Introduced myself | Found someone who shares an interest of mine | Laughed at a friend’s joke | Played with a friend | Talked with someone new |
Talked with a friend | Congratulated a friend | Introduced someone new to my other friends | Read a scripture about friends | Encouraged a friend |
Made a date to get together with a friend | Kept from getting angry at a friend | Made a friend at church | Studied with a friend | Played outdoors with a friend |
Check out more tips on friendship.
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