God’s Not Dead

My head spins each time I lesson plan for the teen Bible Class I teach for our local high school. How can I make this lesson relevant? How can I keep them engaged?
My husband and I went to the theater and saw the first movie of God’s Not Dead. Problems on college campuses were just beginning at the time and we live in the Bible belt so though we felt it was relevant we didn’t see the cultural impact yet. Boy, were we wrong?
In the first film, students were required to write God is dead on a piece of paper and turn it in to the professor before they left class. He didn’t want God to enter into any of his class discussions. One student had enough conviction and faith to stand up to the professor. He then had to prove to the class and the professor that God was not dead. It seemed he made his case. The class seemed inspired by his presentation but the professor was only the more hardened. As the first film progressed we saw students questioning their faith and commitment. Students from all over the globe were making their choice to follow Christ even at the cost of being rejected by their families. Finally, the professor had to make a deathbed choice.
When I showed this first video to my Bible class students it resonated with them because they saw how relevant it is today. My students were shocked at the cost students were facing even within their own families for following Christ.I could tell we were all hungry for the second video. The teacher in this film was a Christian who was facing a job loss because of answering a student’s question about God. The squelching of free speech for Christians is becoming real. My students were able to give me examples of their own “persecution” in the schools. I too, was able to give an example of personal “persecution” for my faith in the public schools.
I’ll be showing the third and fourth videos to my class in the next few weeks and months. The third video tells of a historical church on a college campus that is planned for removal. I think with all the removal of historical reminders in our community this film will hit home with my students once again.
The fourth film is about a homeschooling family whose religious freedom will be defended by a pastor. Once again the news will attest to the relevance of this film.
I feel all four of the videos help students ask questions and delve deeper into the scriptures as they search for personal meaning and relevance.
Blessings, Gail Cartee
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Thank you for this recap of the films. We live in troubled times and our freedom of speech to express our faith is being challenged. If we don’t stand up, we will lose that freedom.
Crystal, you are so right. I found these films to be great eyeopeners for Christians needing courage to stand.