Christian Q & A Book for Kids

Kids ask a lot of questions! My friend and fellow author, Amy Houts, knows this, so she recently published a new book, Christian Q & A Book for Kids. The first three questions are: Who is God? Who created God? and Why did God create the earth? The questions cover multiple topics like sin, heaven, hell, prayer, Jesus, religions, the church, the Bible, and what it means to be a Christian.
The questions are specific and direct and include honest questions that kids (and adults) have when it comes to their faith and wanting to understand more about spiritual things. I like the variety of questions: Does God love me if I’m angry? Does God know what I’m thinking? Can I ask for forgiveness from God more than once? What is the Trinity? What miracles did Jesus do? Does Jesus understand how I feel? Can anyone believe in Jesus?
Amy answers these questions in a gentle way without being preachy or judgmental. Some of the answers give a broader perspective—like when it comes to baptism, pets in heaven, or praying for toys, understanding that some Christian may have differing views. The author weaves in Bible verses to show how the answers to our questions are found in Scripture.
Some of the questions are tough to tackle, and readers might have different opinions depending on their doctrinal beliefs. The questions and answers in this book will generate meaningful discussions in the home, in the classroom, or wherever the book is read. A helpful parental discussion guide is found in the back of the book, which allows the conversations to continue and go deeper.
This book will inspire kids to learn more about God and their own Christian values. One of the themes that rings true to Scripture is that God loves us very much, and as Christians, we are called to love others too.
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