Why You Should Use Poetry to Develop Fluency
Reading encompasses a multitude of skills. Decoding words, comprehension, and fluency top the list. Interestingly enough, fluency—the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and expression—is a crucial element for both decoding and comprehension. Because poetry offers predictable text, a certain rhythm, and well-paced wording, reading it is one of the best ways to develop this important ability.
Think about it. The almost musical flow of poetry means a less robotic delivery, which allows children to develop expression. Plus, the more accurately children read, the more enjoyable reading becomes and the easier it is for the reader to decode and construct meaning from the words.
Poetry has another factor in its favor. The shorter text makes it a friendlier read for many children. All that white space surrounding the text gives the mind a break and presents itself as a less intimidating reading task than a paragraphed passage of prose.
If you want to nurture fluency, nursery rhymes are a great place to start. Older kids might prefer more mature sounding fare. Model how to read these with your child, invite them to join in, help them memorize the text, and engage in oral readings.
Below, I listed a few suggestions for places you can find good poems both online and in books.
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
The New Kids on the Block by Jack Prelutsky
You can also check out some delightful rhyming books by authors here at Christian Children’s Authors.
Crystal Bowman has many books, but this one is particularly cute. My Arms Will Hold You Tight.
Michelle Medlock Adams likewise has a multitude of book options. This is her newest one. Our God is Bigger Than That.
Nancy I. Sanders has a gem called A Pirate’s Mother Goose.
Karen Whiting’s book 102 Wiggly Bible Rhymes and Rhythms: Bible Learning Activities for Young Children works well for the younger crowd.
Do you have any other suggestions? Please put them in the comments.
By Lori Z. Scott
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Great post, Lori! Poetry, rhythm, rhymes, and repetition help children develop a love for reading and responding to words. Thanks for sharing!