Our neighbors built a fire in their firepit and invited the children on our street over to toast s’mores. The wonderful fragrance of woodsmoke made it truly feel like Fall! The leaves are still falling from the trees here in southern California and the pomegranate leaves in our backyard have all turned a brilliant yellow.
This month we celebrate Fall, and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. There are so many things I’m thankful for this year, even in the midst of all the news and all the national and world events that are going on. Most of all, I’m thankful that God is still on the throne. I’ve read the end of the Book…and His plan will come to pass in perfect timing. We are more than conquerors in Christ!
One thing I’m especially thankful for is the list of good books for our families and children that are made available through resources such as Answers in Genesis, the Institute for Creation Research, and Master Books. They didn’t have books like this when our kids were growing up.
With Christmas arriving sooner than later and everyone tightening their belts with their budget this year, I want to encourage you to be intentional about your gift giving. Prioritize gifting books to your children and grandchildren that build a foundation of faith while teaching them to grow more like Christ and believe the Bible is trustworthy and true.
Master Books has great biblical-based and Creation-based curriculum resources for homeschooling families. CLICK HERE to visit their online store. We purchased some of their math books by Angela O’Dell. How wonderful it is for kids to learn adding, subtracting, and solid math skills while reading stories and examples about a Christian family who visits Grandma and Grandpa on their farm and takes missionary trips together!
Answers in Genesis offers a line-up of amazing books for kids (and grown-ups) of every age! CLICK HERE to visit their online store. Perfect for homeschooling families, for church libraries, and for every family wanting to grow in our faith, there are so many resources I don’t know where to start. You can learn the truth about dinosaurs, Creation, Noah’s Ark, answers to questions about the Bible…and more! Check out CREATION FUN WITH THE GRANDKIDS: ACTIVITIES THAT INSPIRE CONVERSATIONS ABOUT OUR CREATOR.
The Institute for Creation Research offers great resources for “Proclaiming Scientific Truth in Creation.” Science and the Bible. What an amazing combination! CLICK HERE to visit their online store. I recently purchased two copies of their brand-new book about our National Parks, PARKS ACROSS AMERICA: VIEWING GOD’S WONDERS THROUGH A CREATIONIST LENS. One copy is for our bookshelves and another is to gift to a friend for Christmas.
Unfortunately, our local libraries and stores are promoting books for children that simply do not reflect our family’s values, let alone biblical truth. My personal goal is to build up a library of books here in our home that teach God’s truth and support biblical values so we can grow stronger in the ways of the Lord on every topic from penguins to ancient history. Yes, it is a financial investment, but it’s an eternal investment that is definitely worth making a priority. I encourage you to prayerfully do the same!
-blog post written by Nancy I. Sanders, a bestselling and award-winning children’s author of over 100 books including her newest bedtime board book, BEDTIME WITH DADDY. For more information about Nancy and her books, CLICK HERE to visit her website.
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Nancy, thank you for sharing these wonderful resources that offer such good Christian books for our children and grandchildren. It’s so important that Christians provide books that teach Biblical truth to boys and girls.
You’re welcome, Esther! Praying these books will end up under lots of Christmas trees this year!
Great list!
Thanks, Carol!
Great post!
Thanks, Mindy! Isn’t it fun to share good books?!
Thank you, Nancy, I feel the same way. The more children’s book authors the better. I’m going to order one of your author books, as I am trying to self-publish. My beginner reader book is complete, just feeling my way through the process. Ugh! Thank you again
Thanks, Teresa! And blessings on your journey with your beginner reader. The first one is tricky but then they get easier as you continue with them.