Magazines: The Gifts That Keep on Giving!

Are you looking for a great gift to give your kids or grandkids, nieces or nephews?
Chances are, they already have lots of toys. Lots of games. Lots of art supplies.
And doesn’t it just bother you when you spend all that time and money shopping for the “perfect” gift, only to have it played with for a day or two then lie forgotten under a pile of their other toys, dried-out markers, and dirty socks?
For the past several years now, I’ve hit upon the perfect gift to give…and it keeps on giving month after month all through the year!
I’m talking about magazines. Our grandkids LOVE getting their magazines each month and it feels like Christmas all over again each time they do!
But don’t just get them any magazine. Be intentional about building a foundation of faith and biblical truth in the hearts of your little ones. Invest in Christian magazines for your kids and watch their faith grow!
Here are some of the best Christian children’s magazines you can gift this year and put under the tree. (Hint…keep reading…some of these subscriptions are FREE!)

Okay, I have to admit I’m a little biased about this magazine. I’ve been writing for it for over 20 years now, I think. And every year I write another story about everyone’s favorite poochie pal, Dudley the dog. Kids love reading his adventures and stories! Plus, they’ll find jokes, Bible stories, poems, inspirational crafts, recipes, nonfiction about God’s wonderful creation, and more! This magazine is perfect for ages 4-7.
This is great for 8-12 year-olds. Again, it’s got Bible stories, inspirational pieces, nonfiction, and more! If your kids love Clubhouse Jr. then they’ll grow along into the next level for the bigger guys. With lots of humor and kid-appeal, too!
This is a newer magazine for our family, but coming from rural Pennsylvania, this country-born city girl loves gifting this to our grandkids to help them learn more about God’s awesome creation. Among other fun features, it includes lots of stories and drawings by other kids who tell about backyard critter visitors that came to their house as well as nature adventures they’ve gone on. Written with a creationist worldview, it opens up our kids’ eyes and hearts to appreciate God’s wide wonderful world.
Do you have a teen girl in your family? This magazine comes to us from the trusted folks at Focus on the Family to help guide your princess closer to God’s heart. It’s an investment that has eternal results.
This is an amazing magazine to bring into your home. Science-oriented. Creationist worldview. Trusted and true to the Bible. This awesome gem really helps teens and young adults learn why we can trust the Bible and believe in the great big God of the universe who sent his Son to save us from our sins. What an awesome Christmas message to gift each month through this next year! Plus…drumroll please…this high-glossy exciting magazine is FREE!
This quarterly devotional is great to get for your high school and college-age kids. (Hey, it’s even great for the adults on your list!) Help your loved ones start their days with a biblical-based, creationist worldview nugget to treasure in their heart! (And just like the Acts and Facts magazine…it’s free!!!!)
Do you have any other favorite Christian children’s magazines? Let us know in the comments below so we can gift them, too!
-blog post written by Nancy I. Sanders, a bestselling and award-winning children’s author of over 100 books including her newest bedtime board book, BEDTIME WITH DADDY. For more information about Nancy and her books, CLICK HERE to visit her website.
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