Why the Nativity?
It’s Christmas Eve! What a wonderful time for family to come together and worship the newborn king.
Holiday celebrations involve a lot of traditions—everything from Advent calendars to candlelight services, cookie making, caroling, gift wrapping, and maybe even an Elf on the Shelf. I remember when my daughter was in preschool, the teacher sent home a box of cake mix with each child so they could bake a birthday cake for Jesus. I got an extra kick out of the event because of the flavor she sent my way—a devil’s food cake mix. Great idea, but questionable execution!
One of my family’s time-honored and most impactful practices has been reading aloud the account of Jesus’ birth found in Luke 2. I love the straightforward story and the opportunity to reflect on this amazing gift. I suspect you, too, have a favorite activity you look forward to each holiday season.
This year, I discovered a newly released film directed by pastor David Jeremiah called “Why the Nativity?” I tuned it in, curious about how this respected man might present the Christmas story, and he did not disappoint.
The film is not scripted in the sense that the actors have lines to deliver. Instead, Jeremiah reads passages of Scriptures about Christ’s birth—the same I use with my family—and unpacks the meaning behind them. It’s presented in a question-and-answer type format accentuated by a visual reenactment of the story. You feel like a man on the street experiencing the events leading up to and the birth of Jesus while a wise companion fills you in on the action. Not only did I find the images and music captivating, I appreciated how every segment connected directly to Scripture.
So, this Christmas, as you fall back into your comfortable family traditions, consider adding a new one to the list: a movie rendition of Christ’s birth.
By Lori Z. Scott
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Nice post. Will check out the links. Enjoy focusing on the Christ child today this weekend and the rest of our lives.