FREE I Corinthians 13 Scripture Copywork About Love
The world around us wastes no time showing us and the children in our lives who it believes we should be more like. How often and how easily we fall into the trap of wanting to be more like this person or more like that person. If we only had more of this or did that better. But it’s not just in the world. We can fall into the same trap in the Church. Maybe we want to sing like so-and-so or have the life we think another person has. But 1 Corinthians 13 shows us the quality that matters more than all the rest – love.
It shouldn’t surprise us because God is love, and we were created to reflect His image and who He is to the world around us. 1 Corinthians 13 helps us understand both the importance of love and what love really looks like when we practice it day by day and moment by moment. It is patient, hopeful, humble, and so many more things.
It’s vitally important that we develop love in our own lives and help the children we care for or teach develop it in theirs. One way to do that is to meditate on what God says in His Word, such as in one of the most famous of all passages on love, 1 Corinthians 13. You can download Copywork from 1 Corinthians 13 to help kids commit these verses to heart. It includes the entire chapter from the King James Version of the Bible. There are two versions of the copywork you can download, one with print handwriting and one with cursive handwriting. You can get them free from with coupon code Corinthians. It’s a perfect addition to Bible study and is great way to provide more than simple handwriting practice.
I hope the copywork is a blessing!
Grab your FREE Copywork from 1 Corinthians 13 today!
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Bonnie Rose Hudson
Author and Publisher at
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Great insights on how easily we can misplace our love for less than the best. Jesus is the best, the one we should look up to. I hope many children will enjoy your handwriting practice while they review this great passage on love.
Thank you so much, Janice!