Celebrate Easter with Say and Pray Books!

As grandparents, we have littles visit our house, so I like to keep a nice variety of books for them to read and engage with. This Easter we have a new surprise for them to enjoy!
It’s the Say and Pray Easter Sticker and Activity Book by prolific Christian children’s author Diane Stortz.

The best thing about it, in my opinion, is that it presents the Gospel message in a simple way to young hearts. Yes! We can teach our children and grandchildren the wonderful message about Easter to them even when they are toddlers and preschoolers and early learners just learning to read!

Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins and came alive again is the central message. But did I mention that this message in Say and Pray Easter is given through engaging activities like mazes and trace the words and puzzles and dot-to-dots?!

And the stickers! Two full pages of high-quality stickers that are clearly marked so you can help your little ones complete each part of the Bible story…or if they’re old enough they can do it on their own.
And with the delightful illustrations by Sarah Ward, so captivating to young hearts in the Say and Pray series, you’ll want to collect them all.

We also have the Say and Pray Bible which is perfect for sharing the WHOLE story of the Gospel from beginning to end and how God loves each one of us so much he wants to spend forever with us.
Happy Easter! Happy reading! Happy Resurrection Day!

-blog post written by Nancy I. Sanders, a bestselling and award-winning children’s author of over 100 books including her newest bedtime board book, BEDTIME WITH DADDY. For more information about Nancy and her books, CLICK HERE to visit her website.
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I got this for my grandson and it is adorable! A great addition to any Easter basket and a wonderful way to celebrate Jesus.
Yay! He’ll love it I’m sure!
Thank you for this post, Nancy! Lord willing, in 3 weeks I’ll be “Grandma!” I must get these resources! To make the clear gospel message simple and understandable for children is a priority we all need! (Victor the Donkey loves the cover!😂)
Congratulations, Sharon! Now you get to buy all these fun new books out there!
Thanks SO much for this review, Nancy! Love that the simple-Easter-message-for-littles was a strong takeaway! And Say & Pray Bible will always be special to me, inspired as it was by one of my grandsons!
Aren’t those grandkids precious, Diane?! So happy for your new book and it’s message.
Such a sweet book! Such a creative way to keep little hands and minds busy learning about Easter. 🙂
What a treasure for the wee ones!
Love this one!