God Made Boys and Girls

Helping children know if they are a boy or a girl in this transgender-crazed world may sometimes be hard for parents and educators to navigate. Marty Machowski, pastor and author, shares insightful ways to address the topic with children in his book God Made Boys and Girls.
Pastor Machowski’s book begins with a fictional story of children on a playground. He uses Maya, a girl who loves being a tomboy, as his example. She is teased by a boy who tells her if she keeps acting like a boy she will turn into a boy. Now Maya is worried and asks her teacher if the boy’s tease is true.
“No, God is the one who chooses your code. Gender is his gift to you. The last thing God made was a boy and a girl to look after the world and take care of it. He made them to be partners in caring for his world and in filling the world with boys and girls just like them.”
Pastor Machowski relates the Genesis creation story as well as the gift of God’s only Son for our redemption in His death, burial, and resurrection. He also emphasizes that Jesus said we should love our neighbors even those who disagree with us.
At the back of the book is further help for adults addressing the subject matters in the book.
- Every person is specially created by God.
- All boys and girls are not created the same.
- Gender is not determined by our personality or preferences.
- Let’s be careful with our words.
- The gender confusion of our culture is the result of rejection God’s truth and his ways.
- We are called to love our neighbors.
Genetic conditions are also addressed in this section.
God Made Boys and Girls is published by New Growth Press, Greensboro,NC and is available through Amazon.
Prayers as we raise our children — Gail Cartee
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Great book and so needed! Thanks for sharing it.
Dawn, thanks for commenting. Hope you find it helpful.
Thanks for making us aware of this book, Dawn. Just wanted to let you know that the Amazon link doesn’t work, but I went to Amazon directly and found the book.
I meant Gail, of course. Sorry about that!
No problem, Leslie. I’ll check the link and try to get it to work.
Wow! This is so needed for kids today. We need to fill their hearts and minds with truth to combat the lies they hear from the world. Thank you for sharing this, Gail!
I was so glad a friend made me aware of this book. A truly needed book.
Yes! This book is so needed today! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Janice for always standing for truth and encouraging writers to openly proclaim truth.
You’re welcome, always!
I’ll be sure to share this with my daughter who is the director of a Christian preschool. Thanks for telling us about it.
Yes, Sally, this would be perfect for her preschool.
Thanks for sharing this resource!
My pleasure, Debbie. I hope many parents and teachers find this important resource.