FREE Studying the Life of Abraham for Preteens and Teens, Part Two
Last month, we kicked off a series of FREE resources to help preteens and teens learn from the lives of some of the incredible men and women in the Bible. You can grab Studying the Life of Abraham, Part One here. It focused on the parts of Abraham’s story shared in Genesis 11-13 and 15-16. Today, we’re going to continue our study.
This set of activities focuses on the parts of Abraham’s story shared in Genesis 17-18 and 21-22.
The activities begin by helping students look at five covenants in the Bible – the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, and the New Covenant. They can then complete Venn diagrams with the information they learn to help them see the similarities and differences between the covenants.
Other activities include a decoding activity, word scramble, and crossword. Students can choose key verses from the passages to memorize and also summarize what they read. An activity including New Testament verses about Abraham is also included.
I hope the kids in your life enjoy the worksheets! Let me know in the comments who’d they’d like to study in the months to come!
Studying the Life of Abraham Worksheets, Part Two
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Bonnie Rose Hudson
Author and Publisher at
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