Vote for the Best Artist
When I was in grade school, art homework was my favorite! Sometimes our task was a total surprise, but it was usually connected to an approaching holiday or new season of the year.
In the fall, I remember collecting the most beautiful leaves I could find. I would walk up and down the block, searching in our neighbor’s yards on both sides of the street. Sometimes the prettiest leaves had not yet fallen, and I had to stand on tiptoe to pluck them from branches beyond my reach! I loved this challenge, and I’d fill my paper bag to overflowing. I wanted to be prepared for whatever project the teacher might assign … and also have enough to share.
But, doing the project was only half the fun.
The second half was choosing the best artist! We students took this job very seriously. There were no names on the pictures … just a number on the back. All artists would remain a secret until the voting was completed. One picture at a time, the teacher selected and held up our masterpieces. We voted by raising our hand if we thought this artist was the best. After each entry had had a turn, the votes were counted and the winner announced. A big blue ribbon was the prize!
Another word for artist is creator or designer. I can imagine God smiling at our efforts to use what He initially created to design new and different art worthy of a blue ribbon. The truth is God has always been and will always be the winner! In Nehemiah 9:6, it says ~
“You alone are the Lord.
You have made the heavens,
The heaven of heavens with all their host,
The earth and all that is on it,
The seas and all that is in them.
You give life to all of them
And the heavenly host bows down before You.”
Yes! God always has been and always will be the best artist. Our creator not only deserves our vote but ALL of our praise too. Revelation 4:11 reminds us of this when it says ~
“Worthy are You, our Lord and our God,
to receive glory, and honor, and power;
for You created all things,
and because of Your will they existed,
and were created.”
Fall is a perfect time to impress upon our own children God’s title as creator of the universe! This is exactly what the Bible teaches in Genesis. The Word of God states that He created everything out of nothing, and that it was very good.
When you take a walk with your children this fall, look for God’s amazing handiwork. Green leaves are no longer green but changing to brilliant oranges, yellows, and reds! Collect them together and imagine God as an artist with a great big paint brush. It’s OK to laugh at this image, and enjoy this magical time of year! Then, back at home, create your own “Leaf Art”.

Leaf Art Ideas
Leaf Animal or Person. Supplies – paper, leaves, and googly eyes.
Glue different shaped leaves on your paper, arranging them to make the body, limbs, and head of a person or animal. Add googly eyes to complete your character. p.s. Leave the stem on a leaf to look like the tail of a mouse or other creature.
Rainbow Leaf Print. Supplies – paper, leaves, and acrylic paint markers.
Paint the inside of your leaf or leaves. Use a different color within each section defined by the leaf veins. Place the leaf, painted side down, on your paper. Gently press down on all edges and areas of the leaf. Slowly lift your leaf to reveal a beautiful print. If color is missing from any area, fill it in now with your paint pen.
Leaf Silhouette. Supplies – paper, leaves, tempera paint (be sure to have black), brushes, and a cookie sheet for each child.
Put your paper on a cookie sheet to catch paint that will likely go beyond the paper’s edge. Dot the paper with many fall colored paint squirts. With your brush, mingle these blobs of paint and spread them over the entire surface of the paper. No paper at all should be left uncovered. Let this dry. Now place your leaf or leaves on top of this dried background, and use a little tape on the back to keep them from moving. Paint your entire picture black, covering leaves and ALL areas. While still wet, remove leaves and admire your leaf silhouette.
By guest author Cathy D. Dudley
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