Christ in Christmas – a Christian Advent Bookstack
Christ in Christmas – a Christian Advent Bookstack

Our family loves to read picture books and as we begin the Advent season I’m excited to be sharing a Christmas story that I wrote. Recently rereleased in a new edition, Raven’s Gift: A Feathered Flight of Faith tells of a young raven who hears the angels announce the birth of Christ. He sets out to share the message with the other birds who all have gifts to bring, except Raven. When he arrives at the manger with no gift, the others assure him that he has, in fact, brought the best gift of all in this sweet story of generosity and persistence.
You have probably seen Christmas book stacks where holiday books are wrapped and a book is chosen to be read by the family each evening. As a mom, grandma, teacher, and librarian, I know the importance of reading aloud to children. Since I wrote a Christian Christmas book, I decided to create an Advent book stack this year with books centered on the true meaning of Christmas. I have chosen old favorites as well as new titles I’ve found.
Not only do these books focus on keeping Christ at the center of this holy season. Not only do they celebrate the birth of the Savior but they include diversity and multicultural traditions. Please send me suggestions of other books to add to this list.
To keep within a budget, begin with books you already own. Then visit thrift shops where used books can often be found. Don’t forget that you can request most of these books from your local library. All of these titles would be great gifts for friends and family. So gather and wrap your books, cuddle up each evening, and count down to Christmas with books.
Don’t forget to check out the downloadable gift tags at the end of this post.

Raven’s Gift: A Feathered Flight of Faith by Claire Annette Noland illustrated by Desirée Cordón

Share The Joy: A Christmas Lift-the-Flap Book Keep Jesus at the Center This Advent & Holiday Season by Valerie Ellis with illustrations by Sergio de Giorgi

Little Mole’s Christmas Gift by Glenys Nellist illustrated by Sally Anne Garland

Who Built the Stable by Ashley Bryan author/illustrator

Sounding Joy by Ellie Holcomb and Laura Ramos

Twas the Season of Advent: Devotions and Stories for the Christmas Season
by Glenys Nellist illustrated by Elena Selivanova

Wombat Divine: A Christmas Holiday Book for Kids
by Mem Fox illustrated by Kerry Argent

Mouse’s Christmas Gift by Mindy Baker illustrated by Dow Phumiruk

‘Twas Nochebuena by Roseanne Greenfield Thong illustrated by Sara Palacios

God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa Tawn Bergren illustrations by David Hohn

Little Shepherd by Cheryl Makandrinos

The Christmas Blessing: A One-of-a-Kind Nativity Story about the Love That Brings Us Together by Erin Guendelsberger illustrated by Gail Yerrill

Christmas in the Manger Board Book by Nola Buck illustrated by Felicia Bond

The Nativity by Julie Vivas author/ illustrator

All the Colors of Christmas by Matthew Paul Turner illustrated by Gillian Gamble

Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story by Sally Lloyd-Jones illustrated by Alison Jay

All is Bright: When God Came Down One Silent Night by Clay Anderson illustrated by Natalie Merheb

Los Tres Reyes Magos: Colors / Colores by Patty Rodriguea and Ariana Stein illustrated by Citali Reyes

Happy Birthday, Christmas Child! A Counting Nativity Book by Laura Sassi illustrated by Gabi Murphy

The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie dePaola author/illustrator

Who Is Coming to Our House by Joseph Slate illustrated by Ashley Wolff

Brown Baby Jesus by Dorena Williamson illustrated by Ronique Ellis

M is for Manger: An ABC Board Book by Crystal Bowman and Teri McKinley illustrated by Claire Kea

Silent Night by Grace Lin author/illustrator
Thank you for taking a few moments to read this post. May you and your family experience God’s best blessings during this Christmas season. -Claire Noland
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Click on the image to copy and past. These are best if printed on cardstock.

What a fabulous idea! Thanks for including my book. The gift tags are adorable.