Strengthened for the Battle
The profit Samuel had anointed David to be the next King of Israel (1 Samuel 16:13), but before he could come into his destiny, there was much to learn and battles to fight.
David’s first classroom was on the hillside watching over his father’s sheep. It was during those quiet times alone that Father God drew close to David, and David to the Father. David came to know His voice and to learn from Him. He came to know God as his Father, Comforter, Teacher, Provider, and Protector. He came to know the heart of God. He knew Him to be kind and loving. Being in the presence of his Father brought him peace.
David’s deep, abiding relationship with his Father prepared him for the battle to come. He drew his strength directly from his Father. David knew that God was with him, would always be with him, regardless of where he was – a quiet hillside or in the valley facing a giant twice his size. David stepped into the battle with Goliath confident that he was not battling this giant in his own power, but in the power of God Almighty! He knew that God was with him, and would be with him always.
We learn from David that before we face the first challenge, large or small, we must prepare ourselves in a quiet place. We must draw away to a place of prayer where we come to know our Father. A place where we hear Him speak. Our strength comes from knowing our Father God and His heart for us.
It is in our abiding with our Father that we gain the strength, the courage, and the confidence to go forward in our days, our lives, and in our callings. Confident in the knowledge that the Father goes before us, walks beside us, and is with us, protecting us – whatever may come.
This lesson from the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) is an important one to share with our children and grandchildren. This is the before lesson, before anything else we must come into a deep, abiding relationship with the Father. Just like David, this is where we discover our strength and confidence, not in ourselves, but in Him.
Post by Virginia Finnie
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Virginia Finnie is the author of Hey Warrior Kids! Grab Your Slingshot!, Hey Warrior Kids! Put On Your Armor!, and It’s a Super-Bad Terrible Day!. Follow Children’s Books by Virginia Finnie for daily inspirational posts.

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