Life Lessons from Women of the Bible–A Daily Devotional for Preteen Girls
I’m excited to feature a beautiful new devotional for preteen girls written by my friend Kathy Cassel. I caught up with her recently and asked her to share about this hot-off-the press book.
Kathy, please tell us about your new book for girls.
This is a devotional book for girls based on the women of the Bible. The devotions show how biblical women faced some of the same things girls today face—jealousy, disappointment, sibling rivalry, and the list goes on. The book is officially for 10–14-year-olds, but honestly it depends on the girl’s reading level and maturity. An eight- or nine-year-old may do well with it, especially if a parent is reading it with her.
You write a lot of fiction for teens. What inspired you to write a book like this?
I started out writing devotional books but then felt a strong passion to write fiction that would reach hurting teen girls and point them to God as their source of hope. I wanted each reader to realize that God has a plan especially for her, and the “junk” in her life (much of which she had no say about) doesn’t change that. God can work through whatever she has gone through. This new devotional is actually a rewrite of an earlier book that has been updated and shortened. There will be a second and possibly a third book. Book 2 should release late March.
Was there anything surprising or interesting about the writing process?
I was surprised at how much my writing style has changed since I first began. I would say that my writing now is much more relaxed than it was when this book first came out.
I love how this book makes women from the Bible current to today’s girls. It’s like they will gain a new group of friends by reading this. I am sure they will learn a lot about themselves as they learn the stories of these women.
Where can our followers learn more about you and your books?
I have a website with blog at
I am more active on my Facebook author page
Or author tiktok account @novel_experience
Thank you, Kathy! And congratulations on your new book.
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