Quirky Critters

Exploring nature is a first love for me. As a child, I caught crawfish from our creek. I made “toady-frog houses” in my sandbox. Later I hunted and fished with my dad. The memories of these happy times in creation draw me back into the wild even today. That’s why I am so excited about Annette Whipple’s new Quirky Critters Devotions.
Let me share the unique qualities of this devotional that will draw your children and you into its pages. There are 52 devotions divided into 7 sections – Mammals, Insects, Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, and Spiders. You and your children may go straight through or skip around to the interest, season, or a random reading. Some of the animals are unusual. Some are very familiar like the European Starling.
In February I saw large flocks of starlings flying in murmuration, like a dance in the air. I didn’t know there was a name for their flight dance until I read Mrs. Whipple’s devotion. Each of her devotions have unique facts with a large picture of the animal on the first 2 pages. She also makes a connection between the animal and us.
On the next page is a Bible verse to help make the connection, an action related to the verse and a short prayer.
On the fourth page is a Wild Wonder. In her devotion on starlings, she explains murmuration groups. Then she helps readers understand more about science with another fun action. Her unique way of putting devotions in action helps us imprint a lesson or fact.
In Annette Whipple’s A Note to the Reader, she says one of her favorite things about writing Quirky Critter Devotions is the chance to share how faith and science connect. She also includes websites for more research and a list of her six nonfiction books available on Amazon, in bookstores and libraries.
Out exploring the wild wonders of God’s creation. Gail Cartee
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Brilliant combination of all God’s creatures and the creator!
Yes, Robin! Annette has a great combination of animals. She is a wonderful non fiction writer who has a vision for sharing God’s creation.
this sounds fantastic! Ording some now for my grandkids! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Crystal, your grandkids will love it.