Guess Who Is In God’s Family by Karen Ferguson
Delve into the diversity of God’s Family with Lucy and her Papa Joe as they talk about the pictures in their family album in Guess Who Is in God’s Family by Karen Ferguson. The discussion flows naturally between the two as Lucy asks honest questions about how different some of her earlier relatives look in the pictures. Next they learn about the first family in the Bible. Papa Joe reaches for his big family Bible with its glittery edges and shares the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
“Everything was good in the garden, Lucy, until it wasn’t anymore . . .”
Papa Joe continues describing how the crafty serpent deceived Eve into disobeying God’s only command, and how this one sin changed life for all of humanity. The concepts of diversity, sin, and forgiveness are carefully woven into this beautifully illustrated book.
I highly recommend this book. The theology is appropriate for children as well as accurate. This type of book is probably best enjoyed when read with a parent, grandparent, or caregiver and discussed with the child.
Guess Who Is in God’s Family by Karen Ferguson is scheduled to be released in June. It is the second book in a five book series by Karen Ferguson. Her first book, Guess How Much God Loves You ,was also reviewed on this blog by Amy McQuinn at this link.
Review written by Janice D. Green
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