Obedience in the Small Stuff

My blog post from January 13, 2024, Strengthened for the Battle, begins with David being anointed to be the next King of Israel (1 Samuel 16:12-13). This anointing didn’t mean he took the throne the next day. It would be many years before David wore the crown. Have you ever wondered why?
David had lessons to learn and growing up to do before he would be ready to step into his calling. The first lesson, covered in the earlier blog post, was that his close, abiding relationship with Father God must continue to grow deep and strong to prepare him for and sustain him in the challenges to come.
Now we discover the next lesson is obedience and patience. The profit Samuel anointed David to be king, and then David went back to the field to watch over his father’s sheep. Doesn’t that seem a bit anticlimactic? It would have made a much better story if David had had the crown placed on his teenage head and then escorted to the palace in grand fashion. But this wouldn’t ultimately be what was best for David. Father God’s wisdom will hold us back when we want to rush ahead.
Instead of a crown on his head, he continued to serve his family as a shepherd, as well as serving King Saul as a musician and armor-bearer (1 Samuel 16:14-23, 17:15). Then one day his father told him to take food to his brothers who were serving in the army of Israel (1 Samuel 17:17-18). David obediently set out with provisions for his brothers. From David’s perspective, this was just another task that he was asked to do. Sometimes, a simple act of obedience can lead us straight into our calling. This trip to the hillside, where the army of Israel was quaking in their boots while the giant Goliath shouted his taunts and insults at God’s people from the valley, led to David’s encounter with the giant. He defeated Goliath and took one more step towards his destiny (1 Samuel 17).
This lesson from the life of David is another important lesson for us, our children, and grandchildren. We must be obedient to God, and patient right where we are, growing in our relationship with Him, serving others, and following the leading of the Holy Spirit. Instead of giving in to frustration when our hopes and plans don’t work out as we imagined, let’s be thankful for the delays. It is the Father preparing and protecting you.
Until next time, God bless you!
Virginia Finnie
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Virginia Finnie is the author of Hey Warrior Kids! Grab Your Slingshot!, Hey Warrior Kids! Put On Your Armor!, and It’s a Super-Bad Terrible Day!. Follow Children’s Books by Virginia Finnie for daily inspirational posts. https://www.facebook.com/ChildrensBooksbyVirginiaFinnie

Thank you for this timely message. Often times, we are in too much of a hurry to accomplish something. The lesson is to wait on God, for He is preparing us for the mission.
Hello Vanessa,
Yes, I believe most of us are in a hurry to accomplish something. As Christians, we want to make a difference. In that desire we will rush ahead of God, instead of letting Him lead. It goes so much better when we follow His leading.
Waiting can be one of the hardest lessons to learn can’t it. We live in such a fast-food, impatient world. Excellent post.
Yes, we live in a fast-paced world and so it makes sense that we don’t wait well. Thank you, Janice!