FREE Studying the Life of Moses for Preteens and Teens, Part Six
Today, we’re concluding our study of Moses and his amazing life. This new printable resource is designed to help the preteens and teens in your life, whether at home or at church, look more closely at the final chapters of the story of Moses. It will challenge them to read his story carefully, examine some questions in the light of both the Old and New Testaments, consider the details, and learn from what God has to teach us. If you’ve missed any part of our study, you can find links to all of them at the end of the post.
Because the story of Moses continues from Exodus through the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy, this unit focuses on only a few selected chapters. It explores Numbers 1, 13, 14, 20, 21, 26, and 27 as well as Deuteronomy 34.
It begins with the census and continues through the account of Joshua and the spies. It shows how the people listened to their fears and doubts and then rebelled by attempting to conquer the land on their own. The activities continue through the accounts of God providing water from the rock, the bronze snake, the second census, Joshua’s appointment as the successor of Moses, and the death of Moses.
The activities encourage kids to slow down and carefully consider the text as they read and answer the questions. It asks them to consider how God kept His promises to Abraham and to look at the parallels between the story of the bronze snake and Jesus. Other activities include completing a word search, memorizing key verses, solving various puzzles, and summarizing what they read.
I hope the kids in your lives enjoy learning more about Moses. Let me know in the comments who they’d like to study next!
Studying the Life of Moses Worksheets, Part Six
Free Series: Studying the Lives of People in the Bible for Preteens and Teens
- Studying the Life of Abraham Worksheets, Part One
- Studying the Life of Abraham Worksheets, Part Two
- Studying the Life of Isaac Worksheets
- Studying the Life of Jacob Worksheets, Part One
- Studying the Life of Jacob Worksheets, Part Two
- Studying the Life of Joseph, Part One
- Studying the Life of Joseph, Part Two
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part One
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Two
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Three
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Four
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Five
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Bonnie Rose Hudson
Author and Publisher at
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I love the Biblical accounts about Moses. Your worksheets are great! I hope many will take advantage of this valuable resource.
Thank you very much!