Share the Joy with Christmas Legends

One of the joys of the Christmas season is sharing stories that have been passed down for generations. They change over time and become legends, often with heartwarming conclusions. There are stories about candy canes, Santa Claus, elves, and reindeer.
As most authors do, I used mentor texts as I retold an old Christmas story. I focused on stories that centered on the birth of Christ. Here are a few of my favorites. I hope you can find some cozy time to share these stories with children during this busy season.

Retold and illustrated by Tomie de Paola (G.P. Putnam 1994)
This Mexican legend features young Lucinda who helps her mother weave a beautiful blanket to cover the baby Jesus in the church’s manger scene. When her mother becomes ill, Lucinda tries to finish the blanket, but it becomes tangled and unusable. Lucinda is heartbroken because she doesn’t have a gift to bring. A mysterious woman speaks to her outside of the church and explains that any gift is beautiful when it is given in love. Lucinda picks an armful of weeds because that is all she can find. She brings her humble gift to the manger, and the weeds bloom with poinsettias, known as la flor de Nochebuena – the flower of the Holy Night.

Written by Raymond Arroyo and illustrated by Randy Gallegos Sophia Institute Press 2020
When a golden silk orb weaver spider realizes that her cave is harboring the holy family and that soldiers are trying to kill Jesus, she weaves a complex web over the entrance. The soldiers assume that no one is in the cave as the web is undisturbed and the child is saved. Tinsel hung in Christmas trees is a reminder of the precious gift that the spider wove.

THE ANIMALS SPEAK: A Christmas Eve Legend
Written by Marion Dane Bauer and illustrated by Brittany Baugus (Beaming Books 2021)
This is a beautifully illustrated account of how animals are given the gift of speech at midnight on Christmas. They rejoice at the birth of Jesus and use their gift of speech to proclaim that “The Child has come.”

BABOUSHKA: A Christmas Tale
This Russian tale tells of Babushka, who is constantly tidying her home. One night, she welcomes the three wise men into her home for a meal. They invite her to join them on their journey as they follow the star leading them to the newborn Savior, but she wants to clean up first. Finally done, she packs food and gifts but is unable to find the star or the wisemen. Instead, she finds cold and hungry children and shares her gifts with them. A lovely story of generosity and what is most important.

RAVEN’S GIFT: A Feathered Flight of Faith, written by me, Claire Annette Noland with illustrations by Desiree Cordon (The Little Press 2023) is based on an old French legend.
Young Raven is bored, but everything changes when he sees a dazzling star and hears the angels announce the birth of Jesus. He flies off on a journey to tell the other birds. They are delighted and have gifts to present to the child. Raven wonders, “What gift can I bring?” Children love to join along with the lyrical chorus in this story of perseverance, generosity, friendship, and faith.
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