Start Your Child’s New Year’s Goals with a Book
As 2024 winds to a close, it’s time to think about a fresh new year Many people make New Year’s Day resolutions in hopes that setting a goal can help them improve their lives. Kids can get in on the fun too. First, check out A Cup of Love: Relationship Goals for Kids by Michael Todd. (This book talks about how our love of God spills over into our lives.) Then take a look at my goal list. Perhaps you will find a worthy book to help your child chart a path going forward.
- Read your Bible more. Since our lives often seem so busy, this goal is often easier said than done. However, if you establish a morning or bedtime routine with your child, you’ll achieve success more often. Some kid-friendly materials include the Go Bible by Tyndale House and The Compassion Storybook Bible by Crystal Bowman and Sue Schlesman.
- Pray more. This goal is broad enough that a simple, conscious effort means you meet it. Doing this first thing in the morning or just before bedtime works well. Some books that may help those stumped by what to say include Little Prayers for Ordinary Days by Tish Harrison Warren and The 7 Ps of Prayer: A Simple Method to Pray for Your Family by Dr. Rhett Wilson.
- Explore more. Get off electronics and get your hands dirty with Brock Eastman’s book Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 Fizztastically Fun Experiments and Devotions for Families or 77 Fairly Safe Science Activities for Illustrating Bible Lessons by Donald B. DeYoung.
- Imagine more. That’s what fiction books can do for a child. For younger audiences, check out Moo, Moo, Nap, Nap by Sarah Philpott or God How Do You Love Me? by Mary Anne Quinn. Picture book lovers might enjoy Where’d My Giggle Go by Max Lucado while middle graders might get into The Wingfeather Saga. And don’t forget your teens with 2024 Christy Award winning YA novel Offsides by Lori Z. Scott.
I hope you enjoy this upcoming year as you encourage and nourish your family! And be sure to sign up to receive updates of each new post on our Christian Children’s Authors blog. Follow us for new book news, free resources, parenting tips, and encouragement!
Blessings! Lori Scott
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