FREE Studying the Life of Joshua for Preteens and Teens, Part One
It’s time to shift from the story of Moses to the story of Joshua. We’ve looked at parts of Joshua’s life already as they overlapped with the life of Moses, but today, we’re going to back up and focus on the life of Joshua from the first time we meet him in Scripture through shortly after God parted the Jordan River. You can use this new printable resource to help the preteens and teens in your life, whether they are children, grandchildren, or students at church. They will be challenged to take a closer look at the life of Joshua, study passages in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and learn from what God has to teach them.
Stepping into the unknown can be scary at any age. Joshua’s fear of stepping into the unknown and God’s encouragement to him resonate deeply with preteens and teenagers as they begin to understand in new ways what God is calling them to do. We all need the reminder God gave Joshua in Joshua 1:7-9, “‘Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.'” (NIV)
This resource focuses on Joshua 1-4 but backs up to Exodus when we first encounter Joshua. It looks at key moments in Joshua’s life during his time with Moses, including when Moses laid his hands on him and God put him in charge of leading the Israelites. It continues through when he sent the spies into Jericho who were spared by Rahab, when God parted the Jordan River, and when Joshua commanded the people to build a memorial to help the generations remember what God had done.
The activities encourage kids to slow down and carefully consider the text as they read and answer the questions. It asks them to consider how God demonstrated His faithfulness to His people and to the promise He made to Abraham to bring his descendants into their own land. It also challenges them to be encouraged as they think about promises God has made that we are still waiting to see fulfilled. Other activities include completing a true/false puzzle, memorizing key verses, reading more about the Ark of the Covenant, looking at stories in the New Testament with connections to what they have read, summarizing what they have studied, and more.
I hope the kids in your lives enjoy learning more about Joshua. We’ll continue his story next month!
Studying the Life of Joshua Worksheets, Part One
Free Series: Studying the Lives of People in the Bible for Preteens and Teens
- Studying the Life of Abraham Worksheets, Part One
- Studying the Life of Abraham Worksheets, Part Two
- Studying the Life of Isaac Worksheets
- Studying the Life of Jacob Worksheets, Part One
- Studying the Life of Jacob Worksheets, Part Two
- Studying the Life of Joseph, Part One
- Studying the Life of Joseph, Part Two
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part One
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Two
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Three
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Four
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Five
- Studying the Life of Moses, Part Six
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Bonnie Rose Hudson
Author and Publisher at
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