R is for Risen

I am excited to share my newest release with our blog followers. My Easter picture book, R is for Risen released on February 4 by Tyndale Kids. If you are familiar with M is for Manger, it is similar in that it uses the alphabet to tell the story in chronological order.
The story begins with the biblical account of Jesus’ triumphal entry as he rode a donkey along the streets of Jerusalem.
A is for ARRIVED
Jesus came to Jerusalem.
People were everywhere.
He ARRIVED with his disciples.
Excitement filled the air.
B is for Branches
A crowed stood by the roadside.
They laid their BRANCHES down.
They shouted out, “Hosanna!
Our king has come to town!”
C is for Colt
Jesus road a donkey’s COLT
along the road that day.
A prophet many years before
said it would be that way,
After each rhyming verse is a short Bible verse to show where that part of the story is found in Scripture. The charming and colorful illustrations by Jacqueline L. Nunez will draw children into the story as they not only learn the alphabet, but also the biblically accurate reason for the season: Jesus’ resurrection!
Unlike other ABC books that attribute a random Easter-themed word to a letter, R Is for Risen tells the chronological Easter story of salvation. It features:
- Palm branch parade
- Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus’ arrest and questioning
- Jesus carrying the cross
- Jesus’ death and resurrection
- Jesus’ Great Commission

I love all of the illustrations, but my favorite one is for the letter V, which also has the message of Easter.
My daughter, Teri McKinley, joined me in coauthoring this children’s picture book. It’s always a joy for us to work together as we bring the truth of God’s Word to young children all over the world.
This year, Easter will be celebrated on Sunday, April 20. As you think about celebrating with your children, grandchildren, or any other children in your life, add some eternal value to their Easter baskets by sharing the story of Easter from picture books based on God’s word.
Jesus’ death and resurrection has a happy ending! He defeated sin and death and gives us eternal life through his saving grace.
Jesus is the Alpha and Omega–the beginning and the end. He is everything we need from A to Z!
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I have ordered the book and am looking forward to featuring it in my April blog! ❤️
Thank you, Joyce!
I have a copy of this wonderful book and enthusiastically encourage everybody with little ones around to buy a copy and share it with them.
Thank you, Janice!
I’m so excited to get this book for my Grands this Easter!
Thank you, Dawn!
Thank you, Lisa!
Crystal, I received my copy, and this book is terrific. I’ll share it with my grandchildren and leave you a great review.
I ordered my copy. Thanks, Crystal, for providing fabulous books to teach kids about faith in a fun way!